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2 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

just prices out some at lower end, still enables the rich to ensure their kids get a superior education and other advantages that come from going to a certain school.

Oh yeah I agree but I’m the short term at least forcing them to pay VAT would be a good start. 

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1 hour ago, lost said:

Its actually "white British" so wouldn't include say the Polish. As far as i can see the majority of the world is probably more religious than we are so its unlikely we import many atheists. Is the religious drop off more religious oldies dying and being replaced with young atheists?  

There was a campaign to get people to choose atheist rather than just defaulting to Christian out of habit.

No idea how much of a part that played. 

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18 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

One of the consequences of reducing access to private schools will be a growing competition for entry into state schools and everything that goes a long with that.  As said before, the only people that get stung with this stuff is the middle class types struggling to find the money for the fees and the lower classes on bursaries etc. The rich just carry on regardless.  Its not much of an election winner when Starmer needs these nasty middle class types to vote for him 😛 

It could also potentially push house prices up in the catchment areas of the better schools. People forget some of the best state schools are private in another name, as only people with a certain income can afford the housing to attend them.

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1 minute ago, zahidf said:

All the polls have shown that making private schools pay VAT is a popular policy

There's no real reason why they should be getting tax breaks. May as well do the popular thing and get more money into government coffers. 

Yep, exactly. Private schools shouldn’t really be a thing anyway but at the very least they should pay VAT. 

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5 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Well they pay for the state sector and the private sector - that is why...

I think I fall down on the side of them not getting tax breaks but its something I would do over 10 years not all at once.  You have to enhance the state sector to cope with the switch.  But this hurts more normal average people not rich people.

Love your understanding of normal average people.

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12 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

While being "popular" with certain sections It isn't a vote winner that is for sure...  

Anyone who sends their kids to private school and was considering voting Labour now absolutely will not - and lots of people who vote Labour do, it isn't just a Tory thing.....  No one votes to fuck over themsleves or specially their kids.  Meanwhile, anyone who was going to vote Tory isn't going to look at that and say, wow, I am now voting Labour.

Its a pointless policy for Labour to adopt right now really.  Maybe Starmer is getting carried away with the current pointless polls but there is a reason why Labour have never gone down this route.

You are very out of touch aren't you 😂

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