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3 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

My mum now has limited movement on one side and has an eye issue.  Its not nice.

i had no movement on one side and one day i looked at my leg, channelled the physio i'd had when i'd broken my knee, and told my leg to move. remarkably, it did move, and has been about normal since. if that had been captured on tv it would have been fab. a big moment that was.

tried the same with my arm, but no luck, still useless. 😞 

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4 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

 has an eye issue. 

very strangely, my wife was told i'd lost the sight in my left eye, which i haven't, no idea how that happened. not sure i ever had even a basic eye test.

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Just now, Neil said:

very strangely, my wife was told i'd lost the sight in my left eye, which i haven't, no idea how that happened. not sure i ever had even a basic eye test.

i did meet a guy in the BRI who'd had a stroke, his mobility wasn't effected but his sight was severely damaged (every stroke is very different causing damage to different bits of brain function).

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3 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

My mum has regained a lot from physio etc.

physio will regain strength  but won't bring back lost function. lost function can come back  from the body remapping brain pathways to muscles, which is fairly random and not very well understood.

i got lucky cos bristol has the best in country after-nhs after stroke care: theres no after-care after leaving hospital) in large parts of the country, and where there is, its mostly from charities. i get great courses, talks, free physio, free massages, support and more from bristol after stroke. 🙂

i'm very happy about that cos my had-stroke mum gets nuthing in the posh home counties ,  where her local hospital is in michael gove's constituency (if its shit at gove's its shit everywhere).


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2 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

I am far from an expert but I think the idea of the physio was to aid the brain in remapping.  Repeating exercises over and over again helps the brain remap - or at leas they think it does.  They physio teaches you the techniques and then you do them at home over and over again.

i did some physio videos with the doctor who is senior physiotherapy lecturer at uwe  they're on youtube but not public for some reason, that lecturer and his students are well linked-in to what i can access the students give their time for free massages, etc.

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1 minute ago, Barry Fish said:

True..  She had limited movement and then she kept repeating the exercises and slowly she got more movement in the arm and fingers.  Wasn't strength building though.  Its started unlocking more function - or at least we think it did.  Maybe it was just luck... 

i'm working my leg hard (gym sessions; walking football; physio) trying to get back to normality. still a long way to go, i can walk fairly well now, as long as i have my plastic leg brace on. it would help if i could remember what normality was. and if my hamstring hadn't shrunk.

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2 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

I hate the term "new normal" due to the covid relation but its true after a stroke.  Things are rarely normal afterwards.  Thankfully for my mum its moved from quality of life reducing to simply annoying now (her words).  I think that is the best she can hope for and I can we can call a recovery.  Hope you get sorted.

anything can happen. a guy i know was recovering well and putting his life back together, but was then knocked down and killed by a hit and run driver. shit happens, but that's very bad shit. poor guy. 😞 

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4 hours ago, Crazyfool01 said:

Had some first hand experience of nhs problems today … a colleague had a suspected stroke which apparently would be a category 2 call … the ambulance wait time was 2 hours … we had no first aider at work today ( not sure the rules on that ) they put out a tannoy and fortunately one of the customers had medical training … they were then driven to a and e by car 😞 

We had a situation on Saturday night. Guest fell on the ice coming back and hit his head. Lots of blood (always is with head wounds but it was a big wound) but was also  showing signs of concussion, bit out of it. He had had a drink but wasn't steaming. Night staff were worried so called 111 but couldn't get through. Called 999 instead. Told there was a 7 hour wait for ambulances. And it's always longer than they say. 

Didn't bother with the ambulance in the end. They managed to speak to a doctor who assessed him over the phone and was happy for him to go to bed. 7 hours though. Madness. 

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13 minutes ago, Neil said:

The great Bristol bus fuck up continues with even the bus drivers now complaining that they can't get to work on time cos of unreliable buses. 

Bristol buses have caused me to not get to twice as many medical appointments as NHS errors this year.

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Morning, yes I was banned for a few days last week, I probably went too far with my comments last week but which I’m sorry for. I’ll try to do better.

Also, support for the striking nurses today.

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5 minutes ago, hodgey123 said:

Seeing a lot on Twitter about just how bad the ambulance wait times currently are. Of course some of that is skewed by the recent strikes but the NHS really is on its knees isn't it? What/when will be the final straw in an organisation so big?

no sure there is a final straw...just slow death. It needs more funds, more staff, and better management.

Best not take any risks over next few days.

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I don’t think it’ll be a big single event but loads of smaller ones. The Tories probably hope enough people turn on the NHS that public opinion turns to private healthcare. 

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