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5 hours ago, steviewevie said:


Interesting and definitely does tally with my own experience and that of my friends my age. I have become progressively more left-leaning the older I get and even with the more money I earn. I think a large part of it for my generation is due to the influence of social media and how that can lead to people becoming more empathetic with others - stories, videos etc. of deprivation and poverty are everywhere whereas the boomer generation particularly (e.g. my Mum) are more likely to be of the opinion that people should man up, get on with it, it was tougher in my day etc.

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5 minutes ago, hodgey123 said:

Interesting and definitely does tally with my own experience and that of my friends my age. I have become progressively more left-leaning the older I get and even with the more money I earn. I think a large part of it for my generation is due to the influence of social media and how that can lead to people becoming more empathetic with others - stories, videos etc. of deprivation and poverty are everywhere whereas the boomer generation particularly (e.g. my Mum) are more likely to be of the opinion that people should man up, get on with it, it was tougher in my day etc.

I'd say today's younger people are less left than the same age group was 30 years ago, so have less of the right to move into. 

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Its national average isn't it hence if the population moves further to the right with age and we live in an aging society then the average point will be further to the right than when the country had a younger population and younger people will be further from that point.

I'd be interested in seeing how they define left/right wing, young people seem more concerned with the social stuff vs 40 years ago. Todays university educated youngster is different from the traditional working class.


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5 hours ago, lost said:

Todays university educated youngster is different from the traditional working class.


i don't disagree, but theyre different to the past before they get to that age.

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What a mad year. Partygate plus other scandals plus all the lies were the undoing of bullshit boris in the end, then after a long summer of debates for a few old farts  the disaster that was Liz Truss was chosen and proceeded to fuck everything up as promised. Now we have the defeated Sunak instead and maybe things will get a bit more dull. Or maybe not. The economy and public services, already battered by austerity, and then covid, and now inflation, are banjaxed. Public sector workers who are sick of getting paid less under shittier conditions are striking and the country is looking a bit knackered. Labour have a comfortable poll lead especially since Truss, but that lead could be soft. Starmer is doing well, but he is hardly setting the world alight, he is more Miliband than Blair. On top of all that the Queen died and some people mourned and some people got angry about the mourning and some weren't bothered either way. But, it probably was a big deal and the monarchy as an institution will miss her as Charles was definitely not the people's prince, but maybe everyone will enjoy another day off to get pissed in May and either wave their flags or get annoyed at people waving flags. Meanwhile Russia invaded Ukraine like everyone except US secret services didn't say they would. At moment though looks like Putin has fucked up big time, overestimating Russian military power, underestimating Ukraine's, and also underestimating westerm solidarity in supporting Ukraine. Since that invasion everything has changed.
And, what happens next year? Will Russia/Ukraine thing get resolved? Will Russia try a full invasion again in the spring? Will western countries start to get sick of the war and want an end if energy prices remain high and if there are shortages next winter? Will Ukrainian people's resolve be battered into submission? Will Russia actually be driven out and defeated, and if so what the fuck happens next? Will inflation start to come down and will there be more trouble and strife when everyone realises they're poorer? Will Labour maintain a comfortable lead in the polls or will Sunak claw some of it back as he gets some wins over improving services and fewer boats of invading illegals? Will the Starmer hate get louder if polls start to narrow? Will NI protocol get sorted out? Will covid fuck up China? Will China fuck up Taiwan and trigger WW3? Will the earth's climate continue on it's path to total catastrophe? 
Happy New Year.
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6 hours ago, steviewevie said:
What a mad year. Partygate plus other scandals plus all the lies were the undoing of bullshit boris in the end, then after a long summer of debates for a few old farts  the disaster that was Liz Truss was chosen and proceeded to fuck everything up as promised. Now we have the defeated Sunak instead and maybe things will get a bit more dull. Or maybe not. The economy and public services, already battered by austerity, and then covid, and now inflation, are banjaxed. Public sector workers who are sick of getting paid less under shittier conditions are striking and the country is looking a bit knackered. Labour have a comfortable poll lead especially since Truss, but that lead could be soft. Starmer is doing well, but he is hardly setting the world alight, he is more Miliband than Blair. On top of all that the Queen died and some people mourned and some people got angry about the mourning and some weren't bothered either way. But, it probably was a big deal and the monarchy as an institution will miss her as Charles was definitely not the people's prince, but maybe everyone will enjoy another day off to get pissed in May and either wave their flags or get annoyed at people waving flags. Meanwhile Russia invaded Ukraine like everyone except US secret services didn't say they would. At moment though looks like Putin has fucked up big time, overestimating Russian military power, underestimating Ukraine's, and also underestimating westerm solidarity in supporting Ukraine. Since that invasion everything has changed.
And, what happens next year? Will Russia/Ukraine thing get resolved? Will Russia try a full invasion again in the spring? Will western countries start to get sick of the war and want an end if energy prices remain high and if there are shortages next winter? Will Ukrainian people's resolve be battered into submission? Will Russia actually be driven out and defeated, and if so what the fuck happens next? Will inflation start to come down and will there be more trouble and strife when everyone realises they're poorer? Will Labour maintain a comfortable lead in the polls or will Sunak claw some of it back as he gets some wins over improving services and fewer boats of invading illegals? Will the Starmer hate get louder if polls start to narrow? Will NI protocol get sorted out? Will covid fuck up China? Will China fuck up Taiwan and trigger WW3? Will the earth's climate continue on it's path to total catastrophe? 
Happy New Year.

Cheers for the review, happy days eh?

Not been posting much here (...at all) since the Truss drama finished. In a way it's been a relief having someone so dull and non-apocalyptically useless as Sunak as PM after the double-header disaster that was Johnson and Truss this year. But as you succinctly round up above, there is just so much background shite dominating at the moment with even more strikes and global strife coming down the track very shortly.

Like the current weather it just feels that everyone's hunkered down waiting for the tsunami of shite to retreat...yep, I'll raise a glass to you all and a happy new year please and thank-you.

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3 hours ago, Kurosagi said:

Cheers for the review, happy days eh?

Not been posting much here (...at all) since the Truss drama finished. In a way it's been a relief having someone so dull and non-apocalyptically useless as Sunak as PM after the double-header disaster that was Johnson and Truss this year. But as you succinctly round up above, there is just so much background shite dominating at the moment with even more strikes and global strife coming down the track very shortly.

Like the current weather it just feels that everyone's hunkered down waiting for the tsunami of shite to retreat...yep, I'll raise a glass to you all and a happy new year please and thank-you.

I pretty much echo all this. Happy new year guys! Fuck knows what the next one will bring but hope it's good to you all.

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28 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

New year and same shit from our useless NHS...

Not fit for purpose 

don't do the tories job for them,if the nhs loses public support its dead.

the nhs still works ok, for most people most of the time.



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9 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Pretending it's any good is pointless.

i'm not pretending, i saw from the inside how it still worked even at the worst of covid. it thrives  and survives on the good will of its staff.

i'm sure we can all see areas it can be improved.

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19 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

You keep going off your period in hospital.  Your one of the lucky ones who got access.  Think about the ones who get turned away time and time again.  The NHS is not thriving.  What a ridiculous suggestion.

my mum has had several long waits for hospital lately, but got sorted eventually. Its not perfect but worked in a way that worked ok for her.

i didn't say it was thriving, i just recognised the important part the staff are playing for it continuing to work ok.

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

don't do the tories job for them,if the nhs loses public support its dead.

the nhs still works ok, for most people most of the time.



ok. The NHS is obviously struggling, all sorts of horror stories about A&E, waits for ambulances, and massive delays...not sure if that means people will stop supporting it, they just want it fixed.

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At least the NHS crises is getting main billing in the news today, it was crazy that it hadn’t been before.

Ultimately the NHS can be an incredible organisation that is struggling at the moment, that isn’t due to universal healthcare not working, it’s due to the Tories and their concerted efforts to see it decline. 

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

ok. The NHS is obviously struggling, all sorts of horror stories about A&E, waits for ambulances, and massive delays...not sure if that means people will stop supporting it, they just want it fixed.

Its no good suggesting it can't be fixed, that encourages not trying to fix it and undermines efforts to fix it. 

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 I think anyone with any intelligence can think of ways for businesses they work in  improving  .... that doesnt mean those businesses should cease to exist ... it means they should use the strengths they have and build from that . The important part is properly funding it so staff dont feel they would be better working for agencies and funding social care and that also means pay so staff are retained . I think someone posted a while back that before the torys came to power 12 years ago waiting lists being low and they've been on an upward trend ever since . No chance of getting an NHS dentist these days ... pretty sure thats not the fault of any individual dentist ... its the route to privatisation 

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10 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

It is useless and it isn't fit for purpose...  that doesn't mean it can't be fixed...

doesn't sound like you value what it does.

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There was a similar outcry in 2000 when a women from my home town had cancer surgery cancelled 4 times during the winter flu surge and it ended up becoming inoperable:


We've turned it around before though obviously the difference is the 30% of operations/procedures we cancelled during covid and the check ups missed plus the boomers were in their mid-50's not mid-70's last time. 


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