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Give Kunt A Nudge For Christmas


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What could be more cosy and Christmassy than giving the baleful, pisshole-eyed sack of venom that currently stewards the UK a resolute two fingered salute for Christmas?





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2 hours ago, CaledonianGonzo said:


What could be more cosy and Christmassy than giving the baleful, pisshole-eyed sack of venom that currently stewards the UK a resolute two fingered salute for Christmas?





Lad baby's criticised the song which makes this quote particularly ironic

"Every year we say this will be the last time, but we keep coming back because the situation keeps getting worse. 7,000 food parcels are handed out every day this Christmas โ€“ that shouldnโ€™t be happening in the UK.โ€


I wonder what could possibly be causing the situation to get worse every year? Maybe if there was some sort of government intervention food bank use might not be rising?ย 


1 hour ago, crazyfool1 said:

i do think seeing the newsreaders having to announce it would be highly amusing ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Last year it got to #5 and sadly all they said was "at Number 5 a song about Boris Johnson that's so rude we can't play it on the radio, at number 4..."

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7 hours ago, Leyrulion said:

Lad baby's criticised the song which makes this quote particularly ironic

"Every year we say this will be the last time, but we keep coming back because the situation keeps getting worse. 7,000 food parcels are handed out every day this Christmas โ€“ that shouldnโ€™t be happening in the UK.โ€


I wonder what could possibly be causing the situation to get worse every year? Maybe if there was some sort of government intervention food bank use might not be rising?ย 


Last year it got to #5 and sadly all they said was "at Number 5 a song about Boris Johnson that's so rude we can't play it on the radio, at number 4..."

He's so close there, Ladbaby, isn't he? So close he can almost taste it.

Give a man a sausage roll and you can feed him at Christmas, show him why the sausage roll is needed and you end up with Kunt.

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Had it on repeat for the last 3 days and purchased one of the versions. It might be childish, but I think we can rest safe in the knowledge that Boris will absolutely hate it, as he loves to believe the public think he's wonderful.

The money being raised by Ladbaby for Trussel Trust is brilliant, but it really feels like it's become as much about he and his wife self publicing as it is the fund raising.ย  And the only only reason elt and ed got involved was to ensure they got an xmas number one!

Edited by Greenelk
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The self-righteousness of LadBaby in these quotes makes me want to download The Kunts alone, and I don't even know how to download songs anymore.

"but our song is for charity โ€“ I donโ€™t believe theirs is"

Your song is still for charity whether it gets to 1 or 2 or 10. Is this about that or about your shitty ego?

And like @fatyeti24ย said, foodbanks are rising year on year for a reason, but he's clearly very good at ignoring context when he can make himself the hero.

This has rubbed me the wrong way way more than it should have ๐Ÿ˜„ย 

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I simply cannot bear the whole Ladbaby thing.

Even though I quite like a sausage roll, I think the whole thing is a little exclusive, it's certainly not for vegetarians, those observing kosher or halal lifestyles or the lactose-intolerant. Or indeed anyone with ears.

From a musical aspect it is so badly produced, and the pun at the core of it is the laziest thing possible. I find the videos just hideous, with the endless mugging and forced bonhomie.ย Heaven forbid these clowns actually try to create something artistically worthwhile that will actually be worth listening to.

But it's for charidee so it gets a free pass, doesn't it?

I remain convinced that this is actually a stealth marketing campaign from Greggs. I fucking hate it.

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Looks like iโ€™m not the only one fed up of LadBaby. First of all stupid name, secondly its just annoying that the xmas chart race gets ruined by a publicity stunt every year. Its for charity sure but its the 4th year now when will they give up

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5 hours ago, jump said:

My mate is a fan of his and he took me to one of his shows a few years ago. Kunt had aย ventriloquist dummy of himself who would sing the songs and we talked to him a bit afterwards and he seemed a decent chap.ย 

I hope he gets to xmas number one!

Kunt played a mate's bar a couple of times, not the highest brow of entertainment but he got some laughs from me, dark as most of his stuff is some of it is quite clever and witty. And yeah he had a couple of beers after and seemed a good chap, not surprised he'd wanna give a big fuck you to this government.

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Also, fuck those Ladbaby twats having read their article criticising Kunt. Confirmed to me for them it's all about raising their profile and selling merch. Would be surprised if any more than 15% of the money paid out for their shart of a song goes to charity. Bet they vote Tory too the cockwombles.

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28 minutes ago, kingbadger said:

Also, fuck those Ladbaby twats having read their article criticising Kunt. Confirmed to me for them it's all about raising their profile and selling merch. Would be surprised if any more than 15% of the money paid out for their shart of a song goes to charity. Bet they vote Tory too the cockwombles.

Exactly this. I'm glad I have a safespace to call Ladbaby the melt he is. I felt so emboldened I even offered a diluted version on twitter. ๐Ÿคฃ

Like that Joe Wicks pretending he's doing that lockdown PE stuff out the goodness of his heart... No wayyyyyy man.ย ย 

Also, did you know the reason why we have to put up with him is because his dad's PR firm invested ยฃ15m in promoting him after an analysis showed they'd earn at least ยฃ18m back. I fucking hate shit like this.ย 


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