We managed to get one group out of 4. Most didn't get past 2 bars. I got to 10 bars on one device and 20 on another but still nowhere near the 37 (I think) needed to get to the front of the queue. The device that got to 20 bars just seemed to freeze when it got there but I suspect this was because most tickets had already gone by then and people at the front of the queue were taking longer trying all options.
A couple of questions...
Can we confirm that if you were on the holding page (glastonburyseetickets) before 5pm you needed to refresh to get the timer?
Anybody that did get through, did you get the option to use ApplePay?
I'm thinking mens real leather Bavarian lederhosen! Don't worry, I'm sure that you were not thinking the same thing Skip. That was just what I was thinking! I know what you were thinking. I was thinking that too initially, but having had quite a bit of what I first thought myself already tonight, I then went on to think what bizarre 'other' thing(s) you could buy for Glastonbury, and that's led us to where we are now.