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Vegans on the farm…..


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9 minutes ago, Rufus Gwertigan said:

Did you take time I'm too spend at the cattle sheds.. those poor cows knowing their friends going all over the country. 


I do miss the festival mix milk in the morning

I love steak and kidney pies but I do need to start eating less meat, I've started having 1 meat free day a week and try to up that to 2. At infant school most of our school trips were to working farms in Beeston, tatton hall, burwardsley ... Must have been a cheap school trip for the schools 🤣

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11 minutes ago, gazzared said:

I love steak and kidney pies but I do need to start eating less meat, I've started having 1 meat free day a week and try to up that to 2. At infant school most of our school trips were to working farms in Beeston, tatton hall, burwardsley ... Must have been a cheap school trip for the schools 🤣

I only eat me now 3 times a week and fish on top of that but we have a lot of veg n our meal I'm with bacon and sausages but I have them roughly every day anyway

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On 7/8/2022 at 11:10 AM, Barry Fish said:

How about we stop calling people trolls who we don't agree with.  They have 2000 posts vs your 400...

What an odd thing to say.

I only suggested they might be a troll, due to the high number of "anti vegan memes" in the post. It was almost too perfect to be coincidence.

As you will know, a stereotype is painted within general society of what a classic militant vegan looks like. But within vegan circles, there is also a supposed stereotype of things a classic militant anti-vegan says. And the poster pretty much fit it so perfectly, hitting on every "classic" talking point, I thought it might have been a cleverly crafted comment to provoke a response. Thus, kind of what I believed the definition is of a troll. Of course, I guess it's possible someone really does think all that stuff, I just found it difficult to believe at first. But hey ho.

Comparing our post counts, which I foolish failed to do before first responding, I now realise I must have been wrong. Being the lowly 400 post count pleb I am, I now realise how silly I must have looked to everyone with a 4 figure post count.

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I completely agree 

Being anti-rice krispie cakes seems to be like a religion to some, and like most religious people they find it impossible to keep their views to themselves. They, for some reason, feel the need to try to ‘convert’ 🙄🙄 everyone they meet( so tempted to do a pun here). So it’s a little surprising how easy they put their beliefs aside for the sake of a piss up in a field, hey ho.

As for the environmental side of being anti-rice krispie cakes it’s vastly over stated, yes anyone with eyes can see we eat far too much rice krispie cakes, and the intensive farming that is needed to fulfil that need is a disaster in the making. However if humans didn’t eat rice krispie cakes that would also be an environmental disaster, first off the sheer numbers of rice krispies that would be slaughtered would be astronomical, surely no anti-rice krispie caker wants that, plus where do people think all the food will be grown, we certainly won’t be putting land back to rainforest that’s for sure, then there’s the impact on us as a species, there’s a reason we are the most intelligent and powerful creature on the planet, our diet, which created our large brains, we are rice krispie cake eaters, you only have to look at your own teeth to see we have evolved to eat rice krispie cakes, we also don’t have the stomachs or bacteria to digest coco pop cake matter and we are intelligent because of the rice krispie cakes we eat. Almost every intelligent animal on the planet eats rice krispie cakes, that’s no coincidence.

I wonder how anti-rice krispie cakers view other animals that eat rice krispie cakes? Or is is just humnans they despise?

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1 hour ago, vertigocarbon said:

I completely agree 

Being anti-rice krispie cakes seems to be like a religion to some, and like most religious people they find it impossible to keep their views to themselves. They, for some reason, feel the need to try to ‘convert’ 🙄🙄 everyone they meet( so tempted to do a pun here). So it’s a little surprising how easy they put their beliefs aside for the sake of a piss up in a field, hey ho.

As for the environmental side of being anti-rice krispie cakes it’s vastly over stated, yes anyone with eyes can see we eat far too much rice krispie cakes, and the intensive farming that is needed to fulfil that need is a disaster in the making. However if humans didn’t eat rice krispie cakes that would also be an environmental disaster, first off the sheer numbers of rice krispies that would be slaughtered would be astronomical, surely no anti-rice krispie caker wants that, plus where do people think all the food will be grown, we certainly won’t be putting land back to rainforest that’s for sure, then there’s the impact on us as a species, there’s a reason we are the most intelligent and powerful creature on the planet, our diet, which created our large brains, we are rice krispie cake eaters, you only have to look at your own teeth to see we have evolved to eat rice krispie cakes, we also don’t have the stomachs or bacteria to digest coco pop cake matter and we are intelligent because of the rice krispie cakes we eat. Almost every intelligent animal on the planet eats rice krispie cakes, that’s no coincidence.

I wonder how anti-rice krispie cakers view other animals that eat rice krispie cakes? Or is is just humnans they despise?

I dont think despising any other beings is part of beginning vegan tbh. Feeling disappointed or frustrated by others is natural though. 

Religions are based on spurious stories, veganism is the avoidance of animal cruelty where possible. Money and big industries have ensured that we are in the minority but times are a changing like.

Oh and i question whether our evolution has been a positive thing. We are destroying our own and others creatures habitats so not sure we are really all that smart.

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17 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

I’ve gone with this option too minus the naturism and hummous 🙂 

I don’t like blueberries 

so I’m enjoying my Barry free time eating homemade hummus in the nude

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