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One for people with periods - chats, support and advice!


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Hi all! 

First time Glastonbury punter here. 😁 I'm very excited!! But also stressed... I just got my period - 1 month before the festival, which means if I let nature takes its course, I'll get it bang in the middle of glasto next month. 🥲 Is anyone in the same boat?

I've been to festivals before and I've been very lucky that my period has never come at the same time... so I'm really nervous because, as with most people, it really affects my mood, my energy levels, and general wellbeing... 

I was wondering if we could start a discussion about how to deal with periods at Glastonbury - advice, tips and tricks on how to stay comfy and still enjoy the festival. It would be so helpful to hear any stories/ experiences of 'surviving' glasto with a period.  Especially positive stories would be great! 🙂

Also, does anyone have any experience with taking the period delay tablets from Boots? Any side effects? Do you recommend it? 

Thank you!

PS: It's also my first time posting on a form like this, sorry in advance if I'm not using the right lingo! 😅 There may be other threads/topics about this too, if so, please share. 🙂

Edited by caroline1975
correcting typos
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I'm in the same boat and I always get unlucky!! last year I started on the Tuesday evening after I'd arrived (volunteering) which I hadn't accounted for as I was taking the delay tablets (Provera, I'm not recommended to take the usual more reliable ones) and they didn't do their job. was a bit brutal, had to text my friend to bring me some stuff with her last min as I wasn't prepared. I started to get a migraine too. luckily migraine subsided.

the worst of it happened that night, by Wednesday as far as I can remember I wasn't too bad really (I can have rough first and second days normally) I just took it easy and had some time to myself. and I do think that your survival kicks in and your body knows to push through better than it usually would. from then on yeah it was a bit of a pain but it wasn't much of a focus. had a great time!

I'm due on the Wednesday again this year, sorry that you're due in the middle of the festival 😔

p.s. I took the normal delay pills many years ago on holiday and I think I did feel tired but nothing major.

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Hands up time... I'm a bloke so have little to offer here. But my first...no only... thought is that the festival may have a variety of experiences to "complement" where you are on your cycle. E.g healing fields if you mood is more aligned to wanting to hibernate.

The temple till 4am if you're in your spring.

I guess that's only useful if you want your cycle to dictate what you do/when you do it.


Apologies if this is off the mark or not welcome. I'm genuinely interested and keen to normalise men engaging with and  understanding the female cycle.


Anyone... If you have time listen to this


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4 minutes ago, sedra said:

You could try the Facebook group Glasto Gals - I am sure they will have got lots of tips and advice on this subject.

This is a good idea, lots of discussion on there. Never been an issue for personally since having a Mirena but certainly a reason why women might like a shower and hot water!

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1 hour ago, caroline1975 said:

Hi all! 

First time Glastonbury punter here. 😁 I'm very excited!! But also stressed... I just got my period - 1 month before the festival, which means if I let nature takes its course, I'll get it bang in the middle of glasto next month. 🥲 Is anyone in the same boat?

I've been to festivals before and I've been very lucky that my period has never come at the same time... so I'm really nervous because, as with most people, it really affects my mood, my energy levels, and general wellbeing... 

I was wondering if we could start a discussion about how to deal with periods at Glastonbury - advice, tips and tricks on how to stay comfy and still enjoy the festival. It would be so helpful to hear any stories/ experiences of 'surviving' glasto with a period.  Especially positive stories would be great! 🙂

Also, does anyone have any experience with taking the period delay tablets from Boots? Any side effects? Do you recommend it? 

Thank you!

PS: It's also my first time posting on a form like this, sorry in advance if I'm not using the right lingo! 😅 There may be other threads/topics about this too, if so, please share. 🙂

Welcome to the site and congratulations on your first post. 

It's great to see someone raise a subject I can't recall being discussed on here before but has affected so many attendees over the years - I did a quick search but couldn't find earlier threads.  I'm afraid other than moral support I too have little to offer. 

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Welcome and thank you for starting a really good topic. I went with my friend in 2014 who had a terrible time when she had a period every month. Back then she actually went to her GP to get some sort of delay tablet. Maybe worth asking your GP before just taking over the counter? Maybe prescription might be better? But this is of course nearly 10 years ago. I always have supply of cocodomol around at Glastonbury but that's just me. 

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Fab topic, I'm in the same boat this year (and was also in the same boat last year!)

I am taking the boots period delay tablets now so that I can set my cycle back a week so my next one won't be until after the festival. I did the same last year and meant that I didn't have to remember to take the pills 3 times a day while I'm there. However, might be a little late for you to do the same.

I personally haven't experienced any side effects. I hate taking hormonal drugs, it's not ideal. But would really not want to be on a period when I can't even have a proper wash. Totally understand you thinking about taking them and from personal experience, I would recommend

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I have taken the hormonal delay pill and it was OK but I was a bit nervous as I was told it didn’t guarantee it would be delayed. That was a long time ago though so effectiveness may have improved.

I have also had my period at Glastonbury and I can only recommend having a good supply of painkillers, & of wet wipes and pocket tissues so that you can ensure your hands and the loos are clean enough to deal with changing towels/tampons.

If it’s not too late to delay your period I’d recommend it. It’s all round easier.

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OMG same boat! Came on this morning, which makes it official that my next period (which last 4 days) will be the Thurs - Sun of the festival. I'm so annoyed, as I struggle enough with anxiety and occasional low mood at a festival when I've been hitting it a little too hard so now this combined with it is just another barrier to me having a fun and relaxed time. 

It's nice to see someone posting about it for sure. And @Scrump for normalising conversations like this for men too, thank you. 

I'm thinking delay tablets will have to be the way forward then but I absolutely hate anything hormonal, the reason I've not been on the pill for years. I'm worried about side effects such as bloating though... anyone had this? 

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3 hours ago, svphie said:

I'm in the same boat and I always get unlucky!! last year I started on the Tuesday evening after I'd arrived (volunteering) which I hadn't accounted for as I was taking the delay tablets (Provera, I'm not recommended to take the usual more reliable ones) and they didn't do their job. was a bit brutal, had to text my friend to bring me some stuff with her last min as I wasn't prepared. I started to get a migraine too. luckily migraine subsided.

the worst of it happened that night, by Wednesday as far as I can remember I wasn't too bad really (I can have rough first and second days normally) I just took it easy and had some time to myself. and I do think that your survival kicks in and your body knows to push through better than it usually would. from then on yeah it was a bit of a pain but it wasn't much of a focus. had a great time!

I'm due on the Wednesday again this year, sorry that you're due in the middle of the festival 😔

p.s. I took the normal delay pills many years ago on holiday and I think I did feel tired but nothing major.

Thank you for your reply! Sorry you had a bad experience with the delay pills. 😞 I was looking at getting different ones from Boots (I don't remember the name but it starts with N), but it's good to know to try to avoid Provera.

Do you know anything about mixing the tablets with drinking alcohol? Is it safe?

I'm happy to hear you still had a great time, I think I will too, but still worried. It's nice to hear about positive experiences! 

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Thank you everyone for their replies and advice! It's nice to hear about experiences. 🙂


For those of you who have taken the delay tablets (especially the Boots ones - Norethisterone, I think) - do you know if are they safe to mix with alcohol?  I think I'll find out when I do the online consultation, but I was wondering if you knew. 

@Bike_Like_A_Mum @phillyfaddle @amfy

I was also considering taking the delay tablets this month, but my period came earlier than planned... so too late for me now!

And I totally relate to not wanting anything hormonal @hannahlmoore, I'm the exact same! Had a bad experience will hormonal pill and since then I've avoided any hormonal treatments... but I think in this case it's worth a try. It's only temporary so I'm hopping it will be ok. Fingers crossed there aren't any horrid side effects! 

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Being a lady of a certain age, I'm going through the perimenopause, complete with unpredictable periods.

So I got stuck with my period for most of the last festival. For anyone else who may not be able to avoid it, using a menstrual cup was a godsend. It took a lot of the worry out, with not having to change quite so often, and is a lot more environmentally friendly.

Just make sure of good hand hygiene, with soap and water before and after, and all is good 😊

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I’ve never taken delay tablets so can’t comment on those but my tip if you are going to be on your period over the festival would be to get some period pants.

I started my period the Wednesday of the festival last year and and used Modibodi pants.. totally takes the stress out of having to deal with tampons or whatever, especially if you’ve had a few ciders 😂



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I’m going to add my experience which is different to the last two people who replied 😂 I am normally a cup user but last year I went for tampons. Really stocked up and had a few on me at all times. I changed regularly even if I didn’t think I needed to and went for super absorbency to allow for longer stints in the evening when I got distracted. Had soap flakes and washed my hands with water whenever I got the chance. For me tampons felt “cleaner”. Everything stayed inside and I didn’t worry about being messy. My cup, although I count myself a pro, can be a bit messy for me. I don’t think I’d be comfy with period pants as the main option but I think are good for back up. 

For cramps and mood etc. I found all the walking and fresh air (and booze) made it manageable. Took iron supplements and stayed extra hydrated. 

Generally think about what would make you most comfortable. Plan ahead a little but then enjoy yourself! 

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I've been in the same boat MANY times! I'm a PCOS girlie, so my period comes out of nowhere at the worst possible times. 🙃

I've done Glasto on my period and I've done it with period delay tablets... I definitely prefer the latter! For me the worst thing was not being able to get a shower, unless you're camped in an area where this is possible or you're willing to queue (which I am not!). 

I've taken Norethisterone several times to Glastonbury now. Always get a prescription from my GP. I don't get any side effects other than my periods being irregular afterwards (pcos doesn't help). You're fine to take it with alcohol and it's always worked for me. The only thing to consider is that you have to take it 3x time a day for it to work. I do morning, afternoon and evening. Its actually easier to remember than you think 😅 considering this is Glastonbury!! A nurse or GP will give you more info if you ask. 

Good luck I hope you have a smashing time! ✌️

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I think it depends what works for you, I tend to have fairly light periods so period pants are a good option.  I was working last year too so I could get a shower once a day.  I’ve got a ticket this year so probably won’t be showering, but might take some kind of collapsable washing bowl to freshen up.  

I’ve definitely done tampons at Glastonbury before and been fine too,  I’m just a big fan of period pants, they’ve  made periods zero fuss for me and I wish they’d invented them 30 years ago 😂

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I'm cutting it very fine this year- I was due slap-bang in the middle of the festival (for the first time) but my last cycle was longer than usual so it's made me due on the Monday. I'm not sure I trust myself not to come on over the festival so going to look into the delay tablets. Glad to read that you can drink with them - phew! There's definitely been some posts on periods and the delay tablet on Glasto Gals - which is a really informative group in general. 

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2 hours ago, phillyfaddle said:

I’m past that stage now, but recommend taking Norethisterone to delay things a few days. No side effects for me.  Also used it on high altitude treks (you don’t want a period on the Everest Base Camp trek, trust me 😬).

Totally agree with the above, similar that I’m also past that stage but have used Norethisterone before for both festivals and holidays and it’s been great.  If you take combination contraceptive pill you can also start a packet straight after finishing the previous one and avoid the ‘break’ 

good luck with your choice 

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I'm on the pill so I've always just rolled on to the next pack if my period is going to clash with Glasto, but I'll stick my thoughts in anyway.

If you use a mooncup or similar, take a bottle of water into the loo so you can give it/your hands a rinse (take the lid off the bottle before you take your cup out!).

If you use pads/tampons make sure to keep them in something waterproof.

Keep some soap in your day bag so you can properly wash your hands even if there's none at the sink.

You can take a number for the Greenpeace showers so you don't have to stand around in the queue. Or go when it's less busy, if you can fit it in your clashfinder. It's mostly communal, but I think there was a separate shower in there with a bit more privacy if you need it (you might have to wait a while for that). I haven't used the kidzfield showers so I'm not sure what they're like.

There are onsite pharmacies, and I think you can get ibuprofen from the co-op. They probably do pads/tampons too, but it's not something I've been looking out for.

The lockups give out free bogroll (give a donation if you can) so you don't have to worry about running out.

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I've actually just checked my period app and if my cycle carries on being 24/25 days like it has been the past 3 months (aren't I so feckin lucky) then it'll start on the Monday before the festival...

wish me luck!!!

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Not masses to add except to warn you that I speak from bitter, feeling-ripped-off experience a few years back: a box of Tampax from the general stores on site will likely cost double or more than it would in Superdrug, so come prepared!

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19 minutes ago, pie_and_a_pint said:

Not masses to add except to warn you that I speak from bitter, feeling-ripped-off experience a few years back: a box of Tampax from the general stores on site will likely cost double or more than it would in Superdrug, so come prepared!

So out of order...as if they're not expensive enough already!!! 

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