That's mine too! I have it on a recurring loop every year from late April/May, but this early in the season is ridiculous 😂 the other version is I turn up and somehow it's already Sunday night or Monday morning and I've missed it.
Brains eh?!
I saw the original Queen 3 times (82 and twice in 86) but haven't bothered with the newer versions, and to be honest I sort of regret it. The reviews of the recent tours made it still sound like a good time.
They'd absolutely kill it on the Pyramid, one for the ages, but it's not going to happen.
Ain’t necessary
We can live a perfectly comfortable life and mitigate the worst effects of climate change, we can’t prevent it, it’s way too late.
What we can’t do is continue to live the mindless consumerism we think is our right.