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The entirely justified FOMO MOFOs


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At the risk of making a thread that's 'all about me', I thought I'd start one for all those poor souls who, for whatever reason, aren't making the annual pilgrimage to Pilton this year. I am one. Pray for me.  

I've mentioned probably over 9000 times that this is because we've had a second baby - a beautiful little girl who looks just like her bigger sister. While I'm very excited by the prospect of taking them to festivals in the future, I think seven weeks old is a little too soon. To be honest my wife and I personally feel we wouldn't take the girls to Glastonbury until they're significantly older - probably around 8 and 10. This is partly because it's an enormous and potentially overwhelming place, but mainly because if we're spending the amount you have t spend to attend then we want to maximise our own fun. For the time being, Glastonbury is for us. We have taken #1 to Beautiful Days and will definitely take the girls to toher smaller festivals without late night elements, but there's no way I'm giving up half my festival (the midnight to 6am slot) to childcare, yet. Even when they do come grandparents will be in tow and recruited for at least a night! (they attend anyway).

Initially I decided the best way to deal with missing out was to ignore the festival, but as it's got closer that's got increasingly difficult to do. My social channels are full of it and it's hitting mainstream media. So I've decided to engage - not so much in the main Glastonbury forum and chats over on Disco Rd, but by answering questions wherever I can. It's made me feel like I'm doing something useful and like I'm engaging with one of my favourite things, without hyping myself too much about all the things I'm going to miss. 

So the point of this thread is to ask anyone else who's not attending, how are you coping? 

Will you watch on Tv or switch off? Read messages from friends who are there or leave Whatsapp groups so you don't see the pics and videos? 


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Oh man!!  I feel and share with you your pain!  

I am not going this year - a decision based on my friends/husband wanting a break, I couldn't get an Oxfam slot quickly and now I've a friends 50th booked in for that weekend.  This is my 3rd miss since 1994.... and my god it hurts!   
The pain is eased a little by the main stages line up being more than a bit disappointing for me but, as we all know ,its not all about the main stages. 
I also tried to dip out but its impossible, totally.  So, here I am too - answering questions, supporting newbies and generally pretending that I'm going without the long drive in 2n a bit weeks

The pain was made more bearable by an Oxfam slot at Bearded Theory, so got my mini-glasto fix... and more fests to come over the summer.

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Tried coach sale, main sale, coach resale and main resale and failed every time. Bought a packet of cheese and failed. Went to Oxfam to procure the choccy and found it was now St Giles' Hospice shop.

I've done a clashfinder and my days would be very full if I was going, but the only thing I'm sad to be missing out on is Guns N Roses and Lana Del Rey, and if I was going I'd have to miss out on one of them anyway.

Over Glastonbury weekend I've got Siouxsie and Gwen Stefani to go to, neither of which are at the  G anyway. And then I can watch everything on the tele.

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2 minutes ago, shuttlep said:

kids ruin your life


they are selfish pricks,  " feed me " " "hold me" entertain me" blah blah blah 



do yourself a favour kids if you  like festivals and have a life ... love  condoms 

This is basically me on the Sunday of the festival 

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3 minutes ago, jonnyisRFC said:

First time I’ve not got a ticket since my first Glastonbury in 2014. I’ve tried everything, including spending about £80 on Tony’s chocolate and worthy farm cheese 😂. Don’t know what I’m going to do with myself in 2 weeks 

Trying to work off that chocolate 😉

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I didn't go for tickets this year. I'll miss the overall trip and experience and the random stuff but, for me, the line up means its an ok year to skip. I'm seeing Blur, Pulp and AM (the larger of the summer gigs) and have a bunch of smaller gigs to go to, so overall, I'm not too arsed.

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I am honestly gutted - have also tried every competition going including spending most of one weekend designing Water Aid tattoos!... don't think it's truly sunk in I'm not going this year 😭.  Plan to have a Glasthomebury with iPlayer on all weekend and friends over for beers and try and keep my grumbling to a minimum - maybe I'll even recreate the ribbon tower out of streamers. 

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50 minutes ago, blutarsky said:

How are the residents of this thread feeling about the weather forecast. Anyone ready to admit to being a *tiny* bit pleased about the latest apocalyptic forecast? 

I believe that 2 years of well publicised bad weather will make it easier to get tickets, but also that would be a shame for the people there (and me the same weekend, standing in the courtyard of a castle marching along to Hollaback Girl)

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I had an army of friends trying for tickets in all available sales but no joy. Last year I got stuck into the TV coverage and spent a lot of time on here chatting to others who were ticketless. This year, I’m sticking my fingers in my ears and pretending it’s not happening. We’re off to France in the van, coming back on the Sunday of Glasto.
Tbf, the blow has been softened by Bearded Theory, and then Beautiful Days to look forward to. I do love Glastonbury but I think I’m coming to the realisation that I actually prefer the smaller festivals. Who knew?

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17 minutes ago, stuie said:

I have no business in this thread but I just wanted to say don't be wishing rain on us... it's bad karma for your next time! haha

I could never wish rain on those attending, but also wouldn't wish the blistering sun from 2019! I hope it is lovely and mild, sunny but offering shade and a cool breeze. Have the best time!

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We are ticketless this year, as we were last year (although last year was easier to swallow as we had a 10 week old baby) 

We have booked ourselves a family holiday in the Campervan to the West Country and set off on Saturday. It has helped a lot and given me a distraction and something to really look forward to. Our family holidays are some of my favourite memories. We also don't have a tv licence so technically can't watch any of the BBC coverage anyway. 

I hope you have a great non-festival time! xxx 

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Ticketless this year for first time since 2014. Not getting a ticket this year has actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise in terms of some other very recent personal problems that have arisen, but I am still gutted to be missing out on all of the build-up on here and then actually being there. I will watch the lot on TV. 

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@blutarsky congrats on the new baby. I feel your pain in missing out - we missed it for years while our kids were younger BUT instead of taking them with us (they are now 6-12) they have an annual weekend with grandparents and we have a child free weekend 🎉, which we started when the youngest was 2. Just an idea for you, rather than waiting until they are old enough to come to Glasto too. For us, our kids wouldn’t yet stay up late enough to enjoy the headliners, or do all the walking around the site needed to see all the bands we want to catch so it still wouldn’t work for us to take them. We take them to smaller festivals instead.

During the years we didn’t go, we embraced all the TV coverage and enjoyed it from home. 

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Just now, CantWaitForGlasto22 said:

@blutarsky congrats on the new baby. I feel your pain in missing out - we missed it for years while our kids were younger BUT instead of taking them with us (they are now 6-12) they have an annual weekend with grandparents and we have a child free weekend 🎉, which we started when the youngest was 2. Just an idea for you, rather than waiting until they are old enough to come to Glasto too. For us, our kids wouldn’t yet stay up late enough to enjoy the headliners, or do all the walking around the site needed to see all the bands we want to catch so it still wouldn’t work for us to take them. We take them to smaller festivals instead.

During the years we didn’t go, we embraced all the TV coverage and enjoyed it from home. 

Do you have any recommendations for other festivals? I've been recommended Womad. 

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2 minutes ago, cb4747 said:

Do you have any recommendations for other festivals? I've been recommended Womad. 

Our favourite with the kids is Elderflower Fields in Sussex. It’s very chilled and family friendly - loads of activities for them. Was over the May Bank holiday but they run a few a year now I think. Lots of fun. 

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7 minutes ago, CantWaitForGlasto22 said:

Our favourite with the kids is Elderflower Fields in Sussex. It’s very chilled and family friendly - loads of activities for them. Was over the May Bank holiday but they run a few a year now I think. Lots of fun. 

This looks right up our street and not too far from us! I've never heard of it before. Thank you so much for sharing. I've sent a hinting e-mail to my husband... 

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26 minutes ago, hodgey123 said:

Ticketless this year for first time since 2014. Not getting a ticket this year has actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise in terms of some other very recent personal problems that have arisen, but I am still gutted to be missing out on all of the build-up on here and then actually being there. I will watch the lot on TV. 

Hope things work out for you ok

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