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    • Absolute shambles. sorry for long post but we are very lucky we are not still there!   My mate put the keys to the van and his trolley in the Bushy lockup on wednesday. We stupidly got to the lock up at 12.05 on Monday to be told he was too late and had to go to lost property to collect. (cut off time was 12.00)   Fair enough, it was our mistake, no problem we'll take a walk over there. One last trek across the site, not the end of the world.   Half hours trek to lost property at the top of big ground next to the medical centre.   met by one of the staff there pretty quickly and explained the situation. she took the lock up receipts from him and went to the back to have a look through what they had. came back and told him it's not there, and said he will need to fill out a lost property report, giving as much information as he could and they will contact him if anything turns up.   this didn't sound right to us, but filled the form in anyway, she took it off him and said it could be a few days before we hear anything but wasn't hopeful.   this set off alarms that she didn't really get the gist of what was going on, and we ended up collaring another feller there who seemed a bit higher up. He said she had it wrong, everything will turn up here in the next couple of hours or so once the trucks make the rounds and get back, just hand the receipts in once its all back and they will give him the keys.   We told him she had already taken the receipts off him so we will need them back. He asked her about it and she said she never took the receipts, and asked us to go through our pockets, bags, etc, empty everything out as without the receipts it will be a problem. we emptied everything just incase she did give them back, but we knew we didn't have them   we said 100% she took the receipts, they then had a bit of a panic look around for them, and eventually found them just discarded on the floor behind her desk! he apologised and suggested we go down to the lock up down the hill, the big ground one, and ask them if they can radio through to the truck team to find out how long they would be.   Walked down to the lock up, only to be told that is where we should have gone in the first place, that is where everything needs to be collected, it doesn't go to lost property until 8pm if it hasn't been collected.   had to wait another hour or so there and about half two the truck turned up with his keys.   Finally got to the van about 4, but the absolute incompetence of the first girl we saw could have left us stranded there.
    • I was stood with a mate of mine the ribbon tower on the Sunday night whilst he was waiting for his girlfriend and we were pretty much shouting at each other as Stonebridge was pumping so loud (to virtually no one i may add)...ended up having to move further away! 😄 
    • It is a good article, with lots of very pertinent insightful points well made   I didn't visit the late night areas once all weekend due to my shifts so I just had to look at what time Bicep were on at - 1.15.   So that's begging for floods of people to descend on the SEC straight after the main stages finished, and similar for Charli too in SH. Why not put the big draws on a bit later?    
    • CHEAP (On the Cheap Thrills album)  
    • The Good!   The weather!   The bands! As echoed above, didn't see any bad sets. Maybe one underwhelming set, two that were fine, and the rest were absolutely cracking.   The food! Mainly because of the thread on here recommending options, and the app allowing me to find them, every meal I had was great (barring some chips in Silver Hayes en route back to the tent one night. But can't quibble about a single portion of chips!).   The Bad!   I couldn't get the until Thursday evening. Boo!   The See coaches back home. It was all a bit chaos. The 11:30 to Leeds was called bang on time, then we eventually got on the bus at 13:10. So instead of chilling on the grass we were all crushed forward at the front of the queue for ages. Then they decided to change the gate so trying to get a couple hundred people to pass through the other existing queues became bedlam. By the sounds of it multiple coaches were up to 3 hours late. It's not ideal when you have to wait for hours and there's no food available. The festival do seem to give up a bit on a Monday morning, whether that's getting cars out the car park or emptying the toilets.   The destruction of peaceful or more chilled areas in favour of banging noise. The sad demise of Avalon has already been mentioned. It used to be a place I loved to chill during the day, and the Avalon Cafe (no longer there) was always a firm favourite to head to after hours for a knees-up to a fun band. Further to this; the Tiny Tea Tent is unbearable now with Greenpeace banging out repetitive dance music at unbearable levels next door. Some of my favourite Glasto memories are of sitting in the TTT and chatting nonsense to strangers until 4am - often with punters putting on an impromptu performance on the piano and getting the tent singing along! Never saw anyone playing the piano this year because even the pianist wouldn't be able to hear it. Couldn't talk to my girlfriend in there let alone spark up a conversation with strangers.
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