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Entitlement - is it a post covid thing?


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2 minutes ago, Nestacres said:

Well, the 2nd one says the exact opposite... 

And the first... The Torygraph is the authority on all things Glastonbury now, is it?

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5 minutes ago, maelzoid said:

Well, the 2nd one says the exact opposite... 

And the first... The Torygraph is the authority on all things Glastonbury now, is it?

Since you stubbornly denied there was articles on the topic (very childish by the way), here is another recent one


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5 minutes ago, Gulping Gull said:

Since you stubbornly denied there was articles on the topic (very childish by the way), here is another recent one


That article praises End of the Road and Green man. Two festivals that, by your brand of class analysis, you would undoubtedly consider "middle class". 

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2 minutes ago, collectivisedfarming said:

That article praises End of the Road and Green man. Two festivals that, by your brand of class analysis, you would undoubtedly consider "middle class". 

2 festivals that would be a good idea for folk who can't handle camping beside a group of teenagers doing drugs and having a good time, to consider going to instead next year. 

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I get that its just kids having a great time, after all it's your festival not ours, I just don't get why you think that entitles you to be disrespectful and disruptive to people camping next to you. Does doing drugs have to go hand in hand with being a twat? I wasn't aware that was a prerequisite. Do you have a link to an article about that. Genuinely interested just in case I decide I want to join a cool gang. There are obviously rules I wasn't aware of so there must be a "how to ..." somewhere?

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I dunno if its to do with COVID but we came across entitled people everywhere. Most of which were definitely not teenagers (or even in their mid-twenties). We saw people who "should" know better leaving their sh*t everywhere, totally ignoring queues, pushing people out of the way... My husband got forced off a bench by some posh idiot who practically sat on top of him and pushed him off. Then I stood in a queue for ages and had some woman march to the front thinking she could get served before everyone else. 

Also hate it when you're trying to leave through a crowd and people are pushing to get in the opposite way. I always make space for people trying to leave because I feel that's the obvious thing to do. 🤷

Ended up kicking off at some fella because he was pushing me back into the crowd I was trying to leave. Between him, and the woman in the queue, it's the first time at glasto I've had a go at someone. There's clearly dickheads of all ages who think it's alright to be selfish in these situations. 

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Tbh this sounds like my Glastonbury experience in 2000. Not sure it's new but you were just really unlucky which sucks! I would defo move next time. Not worth the hassle. In a quarter of a million people there will defo be dickheads. I also think last year was an anomaly because of 2020 tickets being spun over, so besides getting working shifts we had a lot less 15-19 year olds who wouldn't have bought tickets back then. 

I saw lots of kids up to all sorts but nothing disrespectful. It was actually really good seeing kids getting to do their first glasto. Felt a bit eerie last year.

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Sorry to the OP to hear of such awful camping neighbours, that sounds really unpleasant!

Definitely agree lots of entitled folk about. Worst we met were all older, especially during Elton which had a bit of an edge to it near the path at the back where we were. We had a shouty sixty-something-year-old man on his blanket telling everyone off for daring to step on it and grumbling at his family about everyone trying to get past. Then we had very drunk thirty-something man pretty much snatching glow sticks from us that we got out for our son, trying to talk to me constantly when all I wanted to do was listen to Elton, using my shoulder and anyone else’s he could reach to climb onto his camping chair and falling off repeatedly and bashing into people, with everyone around us asking him to stop. He didn’t care and carried on, almost landed right on my son at one point. He was ruining the set for me and thankfully my husband swapped places with me to block our son from him and I could finally relax - testament to how great Elton was that I turn still had a blast! 


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9 hours ago, Gulping Gull said:

Boo hoo. This what happens when the middle classes go to Glastonbury, expecting it all to be flower garlands and polite people of their same ilk but end of camped beside a group of working class hardened festival goers. Basically they sh*t themselves for no reason 🤣

Keep going plucky little troll, one of these posts you'll finally make an original point. 

We believe in you 🤞

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14 hours ago, collectivisedfarming said:

My take is that you've got an increasing amount of people there mainly for the late night areas who aren't really interested in the day beyond a time to get f**ked up before going out and act in really inconsiderate ways around the campsites and during daytime acts. The amount of people slamming coke and ket in the daytime now strikes me as a lot more than it used to be

I don't want to sound like an old stick in the mud, I also like the South East Corner and I like a bump from the baggy late on to keep dancing, but that's not the approach a lot of the younger crowd take. You've got lads out in the sun all day on the lager and the coke, thinking that the standards of general politeness don't exist because they're at a festival. 

And the balloons, so many. 

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When we woke up on Thursday morning a group of young scouse lads had camped next to us. At 8am they were being so loud - woke up to them doing balloon after balloon and rapping along to super loud music. One had the voice of a foghorn. "Uh-oh, here we go" we thought, missing the calmness of Pylon. 

What actually happened was that at least one of the lads lost their rag with old Foghorn by Thursday afternoon. Heard him angrily say "he has to go!" to another mate. Seems he had been the only one behaving like a nutjob. We didn't hear much of a peep from them for the rest of the time, just nice lads having a nice time (with the odd balloon, but I dont see any problem with that). 

Not sure what happened to Foghorn. Hope he didn't end up in the welfare tent.

Edited by Sasperella2
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I personally think it’s more about the combination of the cost of living crisis and cheap Coke everywhere. Anyone with a limited budget is going to find the most cost effective way to festival. Not a lot the fest can do about that.

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I've worked in customer service jobs (largely hospitality) at different levels for most of my adult life. I've also stewarded at Glastonbury and other festivals since 2003. Entitled dickheads have been around for a long time, both in the real world and at Glastonbury. I remember being called a Nazi one of the first years I stewarded.

Based purely on my own experiences I do think that numbers may have crept up a little since COVID though. Not sure why. It almost feels like some people forgot how to interact with other human beings during that time. For others, the lost time of lockdowns mean they now want to do anything they want and f**k anyone else. Dunno. 

As it happens, I had mostly positive experiences this year at the festival. My own personal dickhead interactions were pretty much zero. Even the blaggers on the gate were mostly nice.

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10 hours ago, Miathedog said:

Sorry to the OP to hear of such awful camping neighbours, that sounds really unpleasant!

Definitely agree lots of entitled folk about. Worst we met were all older, especially during Elton which had a bit of an edge to it near the path at the back where we were. We had a shouty sixty-something-year-old man on his blanket telling everyone off for daring to step on it

I don't get why people would care about folk stepping on their picnic blanket *at the last act on the last day of the festival* - I mean, any other time, I get why it might bother you - because you want to sit on it later. But are they not even planning to wash it once they get home?

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I didn't encounter so many coked up peeps with attitude and lack of manners this year, I thought it was much better than last year, despite me spending way more time in the late night areas.

However, Pyramid on Sunday night seemed full of entitled pricks of all ages (certainly the area below BBC camera crane).

People being precious over their blankets and chair users being as difficult as possible, despite requests from the festival and people around them. People storming through the crowds with no regards to anyone. There was scuffles and people being generally unpleasant (Stewards & Police doing a fantastic job, all things considered)

We retreated to back of the field mid-Elton and it was much better. Friends lower down the field reported a great vibe, which was reassuring to hear.

I met some beautiful people over the weekend and came away really positive despite the small selfish minority...

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11 hours ago, Neil said:

i was lucky enough not to see one all weekend, i hate the buggers.

The thing I hate most is that a major side effect of nitrous oxide seems to be an inability to pick up those f**king canisters and put them in a bin.  

Saw far fewer of the little silver ones this year - but quite a few of the big blue ones that are 40x the size.

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On 6/26/2023 at 5:51 PM, steviewevie said:

is this not just the usual generational divide...young people these days etc etc (and don't get me wrong, I am an old fart and I think all young people are selfish self entitled pricks just like old farts used to think I was).

It would be except it certainly wasn’t exclusive to the young.

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