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3 hours ago, philipsteak said:

Just want to say first I am absolutely not doubting what you say and I'm sure it happens more than we realise but I'm also genuinely surprised to hear this. 4 times! You'd think after the second time there'd be an extra effort not to make the same mistake again. Never needed adjustments myself but met/worked with many who have and I think in all my time I've only met one person who had this happen to them too.

There is sometimes (more often than is acceptable) an issue where the information about reasonable adjustments doesn't get to / isn't really considered by the supervisor for the shift, despite it being discussed prior to the event.  This happens because the supervisors are also volunteers, and have a varied amount of experience (and skill) in doing that role.  The good supervisors will check their shift sheets before they head out, and if anyone has a RA marking, check with the shift leads what is needed before they get there; the reasonable supervisors will have a conversation with the person with the RA marking about what's needed, and make sure the adjustments are met;  the inexperienced / poor supervisors will not know what an RA marking is for / not know that they need to check / not care.  

It's something that probably needs to be more explicitly discussed in the training I think.

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4 minutes ago, jfaragher said:

There is sometimes (more often than is acceptable) an issue where the information about reasonable adjustments doesn't get to / isn't really considered by the supervisor for the shift, despite it being discussed prior to the event.  This happens because the supervisors are also volunteers, and have a varied amount of experience (and skill) in doing that role.  The good supervisors will check their shift sheets before they head out, and if anyone has a RA marking, check with the shift leads what is needed before they get there; the reasonable supervisors will have a conversation with the person with the RA marking about what's needed, and make sure the adjustments are met;  the inexperienced / poor supervisors will not know what an RA marking is for / not know that they need to check / not care.  

It's something that probably needs to be more explicitly discussed in the training I think.

I must admit I hadn't thought of it in terms of the issue being with the supervisor (even if it isn't their fault as such, as you say). I was thinking more in terms of at a senior Oxfam management level not assigning roles correctly or something.

Comms/training could definitely be better on that sort of thing. Even something as simple as having a system for highlighting to a supervisor as they pick up their sheets that they have a steward with a RA.

I supervise myself and if a steward mentioned they needed a RA that I hadn't noticed or had been missed say, I'd probably take their word for it and discreetly check with Oxbox

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4 hours ago, Watergirl said:

Positive note. No stress about shifts and possible swaps as no absolute must sees (maybe P J Harvey).

absolutely word for word this! its quite a result actually, lots of 'quite fancy' but no 'must see and will swap all my shifts and donate my firstborn to be front and centre' acts just yet. Truth stage yet to be announced ofc and thats typically where i would see the most interesting stuff the last few years, so its a good position to be in as a volunteer 👍

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8 hours ago, philipsteak said:

That's very poor by Oxfam. 

Just want to say first I am absolutely not doubting what you say and I'm sure it happens more than we realise but I'm also genuinely surprised to hear this. 4 times! You'd think after the second time there'd be an extra effort not to make the same mistake again. Never needed adjustments myself but met/worked with many who have and I think in all my time I've only met one person who had this happen to them too.

I wonder what the legal ramifications would be for this if you chose to take it further. Are they leaving themselves open to problems if people did take it further? Same as in paid work? Although I have no real idea what the rules there are tbh. Could you (or someone) refuse to work until your adjustments are met?

Can see why you don't want to volunteer with them again. Not sure I would have lasted the 4 times you did to be honest. Do you volunteer with anyone else now? And if so, have they been better?

After Glastonbury I cancelled Boardmasters as my health comes first and I was so ill at Glastonbury I barely left the Accessible field. They tried to charge me a cancellation fee and I threatened them with further action if they did. It was the principle of the matter not the amount. They soon refunded it along with a begging email for another chance. Not a prayer I would go through this again! 😂

I have Ménière's Disease which as well as causing hearing loss I get severe vertigo attacks. I need a gentle and late start to the day, a quiet place so I have a chance of hearing and a seated role. I advised and they agreed to this including no early starts.

I just can't cope with 6am starts which I  was given 2 of at Glastonbury.  Working on a 3 directional vehicle gate (Beautiful Days), being placed in the furthest field from Oxbox to man an information tent when they could have placed me a lot closer (Boardmasters) and the taxi rank position at Camp Bestival turned into crowd management on the final night. This is despite requesting a seated position as I am unsteady on my feet. I was refused buggy transportation at Glastonbury and Camp Bestival and only received it at Beautiful Days after having a Ménière's attack on duty brought on by the stressful stewarding placement and being unable to hear lorry drivers asking questions over the vehicle noise.

Thankfully I have another way in these days if I don't get tickets in the main sale! 😂

Edited by StoneCircle
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4 hours ago, jfaragher said:

There is sometimes (more often than is acceptable) an issue where the information about reasonable adjustments doesn't get to / isn't really considered by the supervisor for the shift, despite it being discussed prior to the event.  This happens because the supervisors are also volunteers, and have a varied amount of experience (and skill) in doing that role.  The good supervisors will check their shift sheets before they head out, and if anyone has a RA marking, check with the shift leads what is needed before they get there; the reasonable supervisors will have a conversation with the person with the RA marking about what's needed, and make sure the adjustments are met;  the inexperienced / poor supervisors will not know what an RA marking is for / not know that they need to check / not care.  

It's something that probably needs to be more explicitly discussed in the training I think.

All of the issues I have encountered are due to my RA's not being taken into account by whoever did the rota and at Glastonbury made worse by the way I was spoken to by Oxbox when I reached out to change them.

Oxbox also contacted me about an hour before my first shift (also at Glastonbury) asking me to go to the Oxbox to sign in for my shift. I explained I was not in Oxfield, I was in the Accessible Campsite and as my shift was at the Accessible Arrivals Marquee I physically couldn't get there and back in time. Yet again I was spoken to with a complete lack of respect as if I was a naughy school child. 

The supervisors I have worked with have always been supportive. We didn't have one at Glastonbury despite the close proximity to Gate A hence why they wanted me to spend 2 hours signing in due to their oversight.

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1 hour ago, StoneCircle said:

After Glastonbury I cancelled Boardmasters as my health comes first and I was so ill at Glastonbury I barely left the Accessible field. They tried to charge me a cancellation fee and I threatened them with further action if they did. It was the principle of the matter not the amount. They soon refunded it along with a begging email for another chance. Not a prayer I would go through this again! 😂

I have Ménière's Disease which as well as causing hearing loss I get severe vertigo attacks. I need a gentle and late start to the day, a quiet place so I have a chance of hearing and a seated role. I advised and they agreed to this including no early starts.

I just can't cope with 6am starts which I  was given 2 of at Glastonbury.  Working on a 3 directional vehicle gate (Beautiful Days), being placed in the furthest field from Oxbox to man an information tent when they could have placed me a lot closer (Boardmasters) and the taxi rank position at Camp Bestival turned into crowd management on the final night. This is despite requesting a seated position as I am unsteady on my feet. I was refused buggy transportation at Glastonbury and Camp Bestival and only received it at Beautiful Days after having a Ménière's attack on duty brought on by the stressful stewarding placement and being unable to hear lorry drivers asking questions over the vehicle noise.

Thankfully I have another way in these days if I don't get tickets in the main sale! 😂

That's awful.

You definitely would've been fully justified taking it further. And like you say, not for the money just for the principle. But also to highlight their system clearly doesn't work and try and get them to fix it. Not that that's your job or problem.


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3 hours ago, StoneCircle said:

All of the issues I have encountered are due to my RA's not being taken into account by whoever did the rota and at Glastonbury made worse by the way I was spoken to by Oxbox when I reached out to change them.

Oxbox also contacted me about an hour before my first shift (also at Glastonbury) asking me to go to the Oxbox to sign in for my shift. I explained I was not in Oxfield, I was in the Accessible Campsite and as my shift was at the Accessible Arrivals Marquee I physically couldn't get there and back in time. Yet again I was spoken to with a complete lack of respect as if I was a naughy school child. 

The supervisors I have worked with have always been supportive. We didn't have one at Glastonbury despite the close proximity to Gate A hence why they wanted me to spend 2 hours signing in due to their oversight.

@StoneCircleJust read your posts and that’s all so shocking. That must have been so stressful for you - not once but multiple times! I’ve only experienced the Accessibility campsite/facilities at Glastonbury as a customer and that experience has been exemplary. However, as I haven’t got a ticket this year I have applied to a few of the charities for a volunteer place. However, going on your experience, I will not be able to manage at all! I have severe mobility problems and unable to walk a few steps even with sticks/crutches - I use electric wheelchair or a mobility scooter (hired from Event Mobility). If I am fortunate to get a volunteer place and this is indicative of what could happen, I would have to give up and go home early!

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2 minutes ago, onthebeach said:

@StoneCircleJust read your posts and that’s all so shocking. That must have been so stressful for you - not once but multiple times! I’ve only experienced the Accessibility campsite/facilities at Glastonbury as a customer and that experience has been exemplary. However, as I haven’t got a ticket this year I have applied to a few of the charities for a volunteer place. However, going on your experience, I will not be able to manage at all! I have severe mobility problems and unable to walk a few steps even with sticks/crutches - I use electric wheelchair or a mobility scooter (hired from Event Mobility). If I am fortunate to get a volunteer place and this is indicative of what could happen, I would have to give up and go home early!

At all the festivals with the exception of Glastonbury I didn't have a mobility scooter, my mobility wasn't as bad back then but I still seated position in my reasonable adjustments. I also hired from Event Mobility when I was there via Oxfam in 2022, this was my first time in Spring Ground as I have always opted for East Campervan Forward Campervan Field. I was back in there last year and will be there this year too.

If you do get offered a place to volunteer make sure that you are not expected to work on the Monday post festival and don't ask for early shifts which can be from the Saturday before the festival as Event Mobility don't arrive until Monday and leave the following Monday morning. 

A friend of mine had her staff wristband removed when volunteering for Oxfam a few years ago as she was taken ill in the Oxfield and had to get someone to come and collect her as she was too poorly to drive. They don't know the meaning of compassion. 😭


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10 hours ago, jfaragher said:

There is sometimes (more often than is acceptable) an issue where the information about reasonable adjustments doesn't get to / isn't really considered by the supervisor for the shift, despite it being discussed prior to the event.  This happens because the supervisors are also volunteers, and have a varied amount of experience (and skill) in doing that role.  The good supervisors will check their shift sheets before they head out, and if anyone has a RA marking, check with the shift leads what is needed before they get there; the reasonable supervisors will have a conversation with the person with the RA marking about what's needed, and make sure the adjustments are met;  the inexperienced / poor supervisors will not know what an RA marking is for / not know that they need to check / not care.  

It's something that probably needs to be more explicitly discussed in the training I think.

My experience as a a gate organiser was that as you have no shift sheets you had no idea about any RAs that people might have.

So people were having to self declare them to me at the start of a shift so they weren't standing in the sun etc, which isn't what you want and not everyone is comfortable doing that. 

The gate supervisor, who had the list, obviously had about 60 stewards to get through to sign in and find out who had the RAs . He did in fairness get to everyone but because of a couple of incidents at the start of the shift that took about 2 hours. 

I ended up just asking everyone individually in a quiet moment if they had any RAs they felt comfortable sharing that I should know. Which worked really effectively and I actually discovered a couple of things that weren't listed but we could accommodate for. 

It is down to the supervisor but also Oxfam aren't always the best at every situation!

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BTW Avalon squad, I've recently taken over admining a WhatsApp group for Avalon volunteers (former Shelter group, from Symone who's having a year out) - messaging is currently turned off so you won't get bombarded but will turn it on in April when training emails go out. (I am not affiliated with Avalon it's just a way for volunteers to keep in touch.)

If anyone wants in, send me a pm with your phone no on here and I shall add you 🙂

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42 minutes ago, Leyrulion said:

My experience as a a gate organiser was that as you have no shift sheets you had no idea about any RAs that people might have.

So people were having to self declare them to me at the start of a shift so they weren't standing in the sun etc, which isn't what you want and not everyone is comfortable doing that. 

The gate supervisor, who had the list, obviously had about 60 stewards to get through to sign in and find out who had the RAs . He did in fairness get to everyone but because of a couple of incidents at the start of the shift that took about 2 hours. 

I ended up just asking everyone individually in a quiet moment if they had any RAs they felt comfortable sharing that I should know. Which worked really effectively and I actually discovered a couple of things that weren't listed but we could accommodate for. 

It is down to the supervisor but also Oxfam aren't always the best at every situation!

This is all totally bizarre what you are saying

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22 hours ago, stuie said:

Wouldn’t say my job is consistently exciting - mostly office based, with team collabs and some client face to face but it requires me to be a different version of me sometimes!

I’m lucky with Oxfam - I used to do fests with them when I was a student and since I’ve returned to them for Glasto after a long break, I’ve always been a supervisor on gate C where there isn’t a quiet or dull shift! 

Anyone with disability issues just has to inform Oxbox or their supervisor and reasonable adjustments will be made for them - or where it’s necessary they might be given another role.

In terms of able bodied people, most supervisors will let people sit down and take time out etc. But from the public point of view, what do you think when you see a group of stewards sitting down chatting in a group? Just treat it like you would your real life job and everyone will be happy!

What's going on here with people with disabilities

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2 hours ago, Talcroft said:

BTW Avalon squad, I've recently taken over admining a WhatsApp group for Avalon volunteers (former Shelter group, from Symone who's having a year out) - messaging is currently turned off so you won't get bombarded but will turn it on in April when training emails go out. (I am not affiliated with Avalon it's just a way for volunteers to keep in touch.)

If anyone wants in, send me a pm with your phone no on here and I shall add you 🙂

Sounds good! 

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12 hours ago, StoneCircle said:

After Glastonbury I cancelled Boardmasters as my health comes first and I was so ill at Glastonbury I barely left the Accessible field. They tried to charge me a cancellation fee and I threatened them with further action if they did. It was the principle of the matter not the amount. They soon refunded it along with a begging email for another chance. Not a prayer I would go through this again! 😂

I have Ménière's Disease which as well as causing hearing loss I get severe vertigo attacks. I need a gentle and late start to the day, a quiet place so I have a chance of hearing and a seated role. I advised and they agreed to this including no early starts.

I just can't cope with 6am starts which I  was given 2 of at Glastonbury.  Working on a 3 directional vehicle gate (Beautiful Days), being placed in the furthest field from Oxbox to man an information tent when they could have placed me a lot closer (Boardmasters) and the taxi rank position at Camp Bestival turned into crowd management on the final night. This is despite requesting a seated position as I am unsteady on my feet. I was refused buggy transportation at Glastonbury and Camp Bestival and only received it at Beautiful Days after having a Ménière's attack on duty brought on by the stressful stewarding placement and being unable to hear lorry drivers asking questions over the vehicle noise.

Thankfully I have another way in these days if I don't get tickets in the main sale! 😂


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5 hours ago, marathonsteve said:

This is all totally bizarre what you are saying


5 hours ago, marathonsteve said:

What's going on here with people with disabilities

Scroll up and read my comments, or in a brief summary - Oxfam bullies people with disabilities to do their shifts or they will cut off their wristbands and they are forced to leave the Oxfield. They couldn't do that to me as I was in Spring Ground Accessible Campsite within the festival. I will happily share their letter of apology that I forced them to make by calling them out. 

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1 minute ago, e_p said:

I'm looking to add a festival via Oxfam, but it says we aren't open yet? I'm down for Glastonbury. anyone know when they might come back available?

Oxfam festival non priority applications for Shindig Festival open at 11am today. The website will open for applications then, and it could be a good time to keep your eye out for slots for other festivals 😉

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19 minutes ago, deadponyclub said:

Oxfam festival non priority applications for Shindig Festival open at 11am today. The website will open for applications then, and it could be a good time to keep your eye out for slots for other festivals

Quite right - Currently 8 festivals available...
...but no Bearded or Glastonbury, natch !

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1 hour ago, This_Fields_Good said:

Quite right - Currently 8 festivals available...
...but no Bearded or Glastonbury, natch !

I strongly suspect they are holding Glastonbury back for another release as never seen any in weeks of obsessive refreshing. No way of knowing but I’m not aware of anyone who has got them since last official release but am aware of people through here who’ve put them back. Might just be that they are so rare they going in a millisecond and not to efestival obsessives

Edited by Lisanextdoor
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Hi all. Just had an email from Avalon to do Glastonbury 2024. I do have a couple of questions before I take the plunge and wondered if anyone can help?

1) where abouts is the Avalon campsite?

2) I assume you can drive down and park nearby?

3) I appreciate the shifts will mainly be afternoon/evening but what does a typical shift pattern look like?

4) anything else I need to know?



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