Their report is based on the weather they have had not the weather they are forecast to have. The same report is on numerous other news sites and did not originate from the BBC.
Here is some historical data from the last couple of weeks. If you fancy living in a tent in 5 degrees C then please do and send us video as I can assure you that it is very unpleasant.
Perhaps find some empathy for people who really have lost everything and don't blinker yourself because of the actions of Hamas which were obviously vile but are no excuse to starve and freeze innocents.
Yeah. I wandered down from the Park after Baxter Dury and would have been passing through around 20 minutes before Avril came on. There was significant steward presence and traffic management on every route into the field, bins had been used to form barriers to control the crowd flow and there was clear planning in place to reduce or remove access to manage the expected massive crowd.
As it happened I was in 2 minds whether I'd be stopping for Avril or just passing by and the obvious huge crowd that was going to be filling the field wasn't for me, felt Janelle would be a better experience but ended up heading off to grab clothes, booze and some scran.
This was my new act to listen to this week (thanks). very sunny day indie -
only 60 listeners on Spotify this is some getting in on ground level stuff 馃檪
Yeah, it was starting to fade out pre-Covid but it's definitely been big batch names since they came back afterwards. They're not oblivious to the fact that people want to get things booked up in advance with the prices of everything going up and up, it's definitely a good thing.
Wouldn't surprise me if we're looking at next week, something to raise the spirits as we get towards the end of Jan. I hope it's the 15th though.