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Best visuals, sensory set ever


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From recent times Foals on the Other in 2022 stands out. Their set and lighting was really spot on.

The Cure in 2019 was beautifully staged. Lullaby was beautiful. Helped on the sensory front by being the best sounding set I’ve ever heard on the Pyramid.


But let’s be honest, the answer is Coldplay 2016. I wasn’t even there but go to about 1:10…..


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8 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

I'm sure it looks pretty on Instagram when you spend all your time recording the gig on your phone for social media kudos rather than enjoying the musicianship.

Stage design goes back to Shakespeare.  It wasn't invented for Instagram. 

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2 hours ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Sad that people need pretty lights and other bells & whistles to enjoy a show imho. It should be about the performance and musicianship, not how much you can spend on pyro.

TBH this is why I wouldn’t be at a Madonna headline set. If she’s not even playing with a live band there isn’t much to appreciate other than the bels and whistles. Acknowledge that people who went to the arena dates seemed to love it though.

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12 hours ago, fred quimby said:

Ah brilliant. Couldn't see how it would work, but obviously worked it out. 

It was apparently a right faff because the change over time between DJs is so short, so be had to rig it himself the night before after the stage closed in such a way that it could be raised really quickly or would eat into the set

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On 1/8/2024 at 3:48 PM, CaledonianGonzo said:

Sad that people need pretty lights and other bells & whistles to enjoy a show imho. It should be about the performance and musicianship, not how much you can spend on pyro.

who said we that need those to enjoy a show???

weird thing to say in a thread that specifically asks the question "Best visuals, sensory set ever"


Edited by bob323
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2 hours ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

I guess I'm one of the few folks left who enjoy the quality of the performance and can see that the rest of you are easily impressed by the "emperor's" "new" "clothes"

Some of us have the capacity to enjoy the quality of the acoustic performance and also enjoy the visual performance the artist wants us to see. Others I guess don't have that

Not convinced by the emperors new clothes as visual representation goes back decades and centuries. 


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2 hours ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

I guess I'm one of the few folks left who enjoy the quality of the performance and can see that the rest of you are easily impressed by the "emperor's" "new" "clothes"

You’re a traditionalist - in 2016, I’m sure you were down the front shouting with everyone else “COME BACK ON, ELO, AND CARRY ON PLAYING!" 

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27 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

It's the Glastonbury Festival of *Music* not the Glastonbury Festival of Sparklers and CGI Graphics.

In the modern world of contemporary performing arts, visuals are very much part of the majority of performances. 

Where do you draw the line?  Would you be happy with artists wearing their dressing gowns and slippers so long as the music is on point? Costumes, lighting, effects, staging has always been part of contemporary performance. 

You might as well be blind otherwise. 

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At Glastonbury I think I'd have to say the Coldplay '16 set. The lasers, the wristbands, the Viola Beach "duet"...all really well done.

Outside the festival, Lightbox at Vauxhall is a great venue. Walls and ceilings are LEDs, creates an amazing lightshow. There's better pics out there,  but this was Teleman back in 2018.


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1 hour ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Take this for example. 

The common consensus is that it's the single greatest performance ever to take place on the Pyramid.

But did Huey and the lads need lasers and explosions to make their point.  They didn't even need a gigantic inflatable Scooby Doo.


Now you’re just being silly.

Edited by fred quimby
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