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Your first time? Hold on to your hats !!


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what's your first time experience? (lets not have the Twix story )


Here's mine 😉


i posted this last year, but fancy its time for a repost 


"The Best Weekend of my Life"


Year 95. (age20)


After much debate with my mates who couldn't aford to go to Glasto. I decided Feck this I'm going anyway. No ticket !!


Woke up on the Thursday morning, grabbed a handfull of clothes, threw them in a bag and caught the train to Cardiff.

Whilst wandering around the platform trying to work out the trains, "that "sweet smell wafted my way. I followed the smell to group of peeps hanging about, they looked way more prepared than me. We chatted and they were heading down to Glasto, Ben, Rich & Chris who were also ticketless.  We laughed and chilled out on the train. They explained how we could jump the fence.


Finally arrived at Castle Cary, joined the queue for the buses, and headed towards the site. I was eager to get a glimpse of Glasto from the bus window, nothing but fence. Got off the bus and was constantly hassled by touts and dealers keen to push their wares. Rich tugged my arm, suggesting we "make a move" and find a way in........


After walking for some time following the steel wall, we met a two guys with a rope ladder.

"£20 and your in" they were shouting from the top of the fence.


We joined the desperate queue of ticketless excitement.


I climbed the ladder paid the guy at the top. I gasped as looked across the site. WTF the site just looked amazing, so many people, so many tents...


The "magic ladder man" suggested I hurried as he spotted a landrover heading our way.


I flung myself off the fence as the landrover pulled up. Rich and I ran into the tented city, with 4 security hot on our tails . we split up.


I felt I gave them the slip, but lost the guys I met on the train. With heart pounding I sat down beside some people outside their tent. After polite introductions, they let me set up my tent next to theirs. 


As I began to setup my tent I was greeted with the chants "hash 4 cash, Grass, Dreams 4 sale".


Three sellers appeared with various goods to buy. everything from ZeroZero, Rocky to Northern lights.  I purchased a selection, at a very reasonable price http://efestivals.s3.amazonaws.com/forums/emoticons/default_wink.png


I began to consume the Northen Lights, and passed it around to my new neighbors.. there was a strange noise in the distance, like white noise, it got louder and louder as it travelled towards us.. It was cheering, people screaming and shouting.. we all joined in this overwhelming noise as it passed us and headed around the valley. this "mexican wave shouting", seem to go on for some time, Each time it swept passed we all jumped up and cheered... My god my whole body just glowed with excitement !!


It finally hit me..... I'm in Glasto !! My jaw was really starting to ache with my stretched smile, so with tears of joy in my eyes I went for a bimble.


I walked down to the pyramid, and was just amazed at the size of everything, the stage the sound system the field just everything. Listened to the sound check, was like listening to worlds best HiFi. I could hear and feel every bit of the music. They were playing Star 6789 by the orb..


I found the outdoor cinema field that early evening and sat down to “relax” . Leftism started to play and the screen was displaying some amazing video that Leftfield had produced for their album. Was just truly awesome, as the sun slowly sank into the green fields.

That evening a total blur, just remember walking around gobsmacked at the sheer size of the place. Getting totally lost, and couldn't even rember where I had camped. Took me 3 hours to find “home”


I made some amazing friends, and was always greeted with a smile.


The next few days I discovered the other  stages , which hosted “the shamen, prodigy, massive attack"

I remember watching the old bill giving it serious shapes... the place was kicking as the lasers punched holes through the sky. “we are phorever people” we all chanted....... as the beat kicked us off our feet.





Orbital on the pyramid was something else !!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgAcxu60z_s  ( im the dude with baseball hat and goaty nodding like feck at 7.17 clinging to the front barrier) turbosound kicking, bladder resonating ..



Oh my god Pulp on the Pyramid http://efestivals.s3.amazonaws.com/forums/emoticons/default_smile.png



So many amazing things happened that weekend, I felt like I had discovered another life, another part of me that I really never knew existed.....I have never ever felt so euphoric !!


So many highlights... I've waffled quite a bit ..



This weekend changed my life, I hope it changes yours !


Never ever take Glasto for granted !!!!


Can't wait to be back home http://efestivals.s3.amazonaws.com/forums/emoticons/default_smile.png


Funk x

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First was 94. We bought our tickets the same day from HMV in Piccadilly, London and arrived in the dark late on Thursday. Three of us. We had no idea what to expect. We went thru gate C and had no idea where to camp. So we just walked down hill, past what is now T&C. 

Somehow we ended of on the railway line and asked someone where to camp, who pointed down a track that was to become Lost Vagueness. At the time it was a popular place for travelers in their military type vehicles and big canvas marques. It was very intimidating in the dark. We found a camping field and walked to the top as it was quite hilly. That feild is now crew only called Dragons

I pitched my tiny one man tent, it was basically two poles one at each end you had to keep tensioned to hold it all up.
I had trouble sleeping that night and wished I had never come.

Of course I loved the weekend.
30 years later I have only ever missed one Glasto, 20 years ago, my son was born Glasto weekend.
You can bet I didn't have sex in September 9 months before the end of June when we planned for our send child 😁

Edited by Staberinde
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Just now, A Particular Grey Chihuahu said:

This will be my first. I feel like I won't have any stories like the people who had their 1st in the "good ole days" but I'm sure I'll have a good time 😊 


nothing less glasto than "old timers" who bang on about the "good ol days". enjoy yourself! your today becomes the old days of the future. the festival is special , embrace it, take it in 🙂 its my 10th and it never disappoints. (unless it pisses it down for 5 days straight) 😄

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Heh, my first time was only 2022, but was quite the experience. Mainly because I decided that it was possible to get to my mates wedding in Naples on the Friday, whilst still also doing Glastonbury. Was a pretty mad few days.


Had a thursday coach ticket, which meant that I didn't really have much choice around how I was going to get my ticket/get to Naples. To compound matters, our coach broke down before it arrived at the O2 carpark in London, so we were sat waiting in the car park until 4.30pm before we finally got on a coach. The coach then proceeded to pull over because the smoke alarm in the toilet kept going off, then the coach driver took a wrong turn near the festival and we got lost. At one point the coach went round a roundabout twice before it stopped in the middle of a roundabout whilst the driver checked his map. Finally arrived at the festival at about 9.50pm 😄 


Marched at speed across site to our campsite which had been helpfully pre-erected by mates at the bottom of Pennards, but that first walk completely blew my mind, think it was when I saw San Remo and the level of effort that they go to for even pretty small stages that amazed me most, realised this was something pretty special, and far more than what you see on TV. Dropped our bags and then met up with friends in and around the park before heading to the glade for a dance, but had to go after just a few hours as I had a 4am taxi to Bristol airport...


Have a nap in the airport, then a pint at the airport whilst waiting for my flight to *checks notes* Pisa. Yes thats right. Despite having dreamed up a madcap scheme to include a wedding in Naples in my first ever Glastonbury, I couldn't even fly into the right city, but rather one over 300 miles away. Anyway, my flight arrived on time and I got to Pisa train station on schedule for the 2nd of the 4 trains that would get me to Florence in time for my train to Naples. This was the biggest risk of the whole thing, as regional train services in Italy pretty unreliable, but in the end it got me to Florence with time to have a beer in front of the Duomo.


Train to Naples was really good, and gave me a bit of time to get some kip, and was only 10 minutes late into Naples, which was key as I had about an hour to get from the train station to the apartment my mates were staying in, get showered/changed and get to the wedding venue. Managed to do all that, and showed up to the wedding 15 minutes before it started ☺️Wedding was amazing, was in this old Italian palazzo on the top of a hill overlooking Naples and Vesuvius, and the food was amazing. Had a massive night of drinking and partying with my mates who were all massively impressed with my efforts. And things had all wrapped up by the point I had to get my 3.30am taxi to Naples airport, even managed to get a shower back at the apartment before I had to leave.


Arrived at the airport before security was open, so had a kip with my back against the security shutters and was woken up by them opening. Was pretty shattered by this point and basically slept walked onto my flight to *checks notes* Nice airport. Yes, once again, I wasn't going to make things easy for myself. Landed at Nice on time, but here we hit the first two proper snags of the whole weekend. Firstly the flight from Nice was delayed by about an hour, secondly I somehow managed to lose my passport in the departure lounge. Fortunately someone handed it in at the desk, but I had a pretty terrifying 10 minutes looking for it.


Finally landed back at Bristol airport at 1pm on the Saturday, and got back to the festival at 3pm in time to see Metronomy's set.


Somehow I had enough reserves of energy to have a pretty massive day on the Saturday, seeing Metronomy, HAIM, The Avalanches and Macca. Also let me start really appreciating just how big the festival was, as before that I'd basically been walking back and forth to Gate A for most of the festival 😄 Metronomy and The Avalanches were both epic sets. Macca was a bit so so from my perspective, second half of the set was great but felt he should have mixed things up a bit more in the first half as felt the crowd around me had started to drift off a bit at first. Was great to be in my first massive pyramid stage crowd though. Then headed to the south east corner, which blew my mind again, and at about 5 headed up to the stone circle, where I got to see the sunrise just before it started raining at which point we hot footed to our tents.


Sunday was also a really good day, had a wander around the green fields, Diana Ross was great fun, slight downer after that though as one of our group got heatstroke, and we had to get her to the medical centre and then my wife had to spend the rest of Sunday looking after her, but still really enjoyed Pet Shop Boys. But didn't head out after that as frankly I was shattered, my wife was pretty much sober by this point, a few of the group had had to leave after pet shop boys and someone else had to tag in with my wife at the medical centre.


Obviously, I wouldn't recommend doing what I did, it was a bit stupid and could easily have gone horribly wrong. But I'm glad I did it, even if everyone I spoke to about it (both at glastonbury and the wedding) thought I was off my rocker. And definitely caught the glastonbury bug, it was unlike everything I'd ever done before. Managed to get Thursday coach tickets again for 2023 where I really enjoyed not having to leave at 4am on the friday morning, and this time we've managed to get general admission tickets, so I'm looking forward to a Wednesday night/full day Thursday \o/

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1 hour ago, Staberinde said:

First was 94. We bought our tickets the same day from HMV in Piccadilly, London and arrived in the dark late on Thursday. Three of us. We had no idea what to expect. We went thru gate C and had no idea where to camp. So we just walked down hill, past what is now T&C. 

Somehow we ended of on the railway line and asked someone where to camp, who pointed down a track that was to become Lost Vagueness. At the time it was a popular place for travelers in their military type vehicles and big canvas marques. It was very intimidating in the dark. We found a camping field and walked to the top as it was quite hilly. That feild is now crew only called Dragons

I pitched my tiny one man tent, it was basically two poles one at each end you had to keep tensioned to hold it all up.
I had trouble sleeping that night and wished I had never come.

Of course I loved the weekend.
30 years later I have only ever missed one Glasto, 20 years ago, my son was born Glasto weekend.
You can bet I didn't have sex in September 9 months before the end of June when we planned for our send child 😁

Yours and Mr Funk's experiences similar to mine in 94 I think. I had an old A frame tent there too just for me and who later became the missus. I miss the 'Glasto Roar' across the site and the thrown together spontaneous feel to the place.

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16 minutes ago, Tiesto13 said:

Heh, my first time was only 2022, but was quite the experience. Mainly because I decided that it was possible to get to my mates wedding in Naples on the Friday, whilst still also doing Glastonbury. Was a pretty mad few days.


Had a thursday coach ticket, which meant that I didn't really have much choice around how I was going to get my ticket/get to Naples. To compound matters, our coach broke down before it arrived at the O2 carpark in London, so we were sat waiting in the car park until 4.30pm before we finally got on a coach. The coach then proceeded to pull over because the smoke alarm in the toilet kept going off, then the coach driver took a wrong turn near the festival and we got lost. At one point the coach went round a roundabout twice before it stopped in the middle of a roundabout whilst the driver checked his map. Finally arrived at the festival at about 9.50pm 😄 


Marched at speed across site to our campsite which had been helpfully pre-erected by mates at the bottom of Pennards, but that first walk completely blew my mind, think it was when I saw San Remo and the level of effort that they go to for even pretty small stages that amazed me most, realised this was something pretty special, and far more than what you see on TV. Dropped our bags and then met up with friends in and around the park before heading to the glade for a dance, but had to go after just a few hours as I had a 4am taxi to Bristol airport...


Have a nap in the airport, then a pint at the airport whilst waiting for my flight to *checks notes* Pisa. Yes thats right. Despite having dreamed up a madcap scheme to include a wedding in Naples in my first ever Glastonbury, I couldn't even fly into the right city, but rather one over 300 miles away. Anyway, my flight arrived on time and I got to Pisa train station on schedule for the 2nd of the 4 trains that would get me to Florence in time for my train to Naples. This was the biggest risk of the whole thing, as regional train services in Italy pretty unreliable, but in the end it got me to Florence with time to have a beer in front of the Duomo.


Train to Naples was really good, and gave me a bit of time to get some kip, and was only 10 minutes late into Naples, which was key as I had about an hour to get from the train station to the apartment my mates were staying in, get showered/changed and get to the wedding venue. Managed to do all that, and showed up to the wedding 15 minutes before it started ☺️Wedding was amazing, was in this old Italian palazzo on the top of a hill overlooking Naples and Vesuvius, and the food was amazing. Had a massive night of drinking and partying with my mates who were all massively impressed with my efforts. And things had all wrapped up by the point I had to get my 3.30am taxi to Naples airport, even managed to get a shower back at the apartment before I had to leave.


Arrived at the airport before security was open, so had a kip with my back against the security shutters and was woken up by them opening. Was pretty shattered by this point and basically slept walked onto my flight to *checks notes* Nice airport. Yes, once again, I wasn't going to make things easy for myself. Landed at Nice on time, but here we hit the first two proper snags of the whole weekend. Firstly the flight from Nice was delayed by about an hour, secondly I somehow managed to lose my passport in the departure lounge. Fortunately someone handed it in at the desk, but I had a pretty terrifying 10 minutes looking for it.


Finally landed back at Bristol airport at 1pm on the Saturday, and got back to the festival at 3pm in time to see Metronomy's set.


Somehow I had enough reserves of energy to have a pretty massive day on the Saturday, seeing Metronomy, HAIM, The Avalanches and Macca. Also let me start really appreciating just how big the festival was, as before that I'd basically been walking back and forth to Gate A for most of the festival 😄 Metronomy and The Avalanches were both epic sets. Macca was a bit so so from my perspective, second half of the set was great but felt he should have mixed things up a bit more in the first half as felt the crowd around me had started to drift off a bit at first. Was great to be in my first massive pyramid stage crowd though. Then headed to the south east corner, which blew my mind again, and at about 5 headed up to the stone circle, where I got to see the sunrise just before it started raining at which point we hot footed to our tents.


Sunday was also a really good day, had a wander around the green fields, Diana Ross was great fun, slight downer after that though as one of our group got heatstroke, and we had to get her to the medical centre and then my wife had to spend the rest of Sunday looking after her, but still really enjoyed Pet Shop Boys. But didn't head out after that as frankly I was shattered, my wife was pretty much sober by this point, a few of the group had had to leave after pet shop boys and someone else had to tag in with my wife at the medical centre.


Obviously, I wouldn't recommend doing what I did, it was a bit stupid and could easily have gone horribly wrong. But I'm glad I did it, even if everyone I spoke to about it (both at glastonbury and the wedding) thought I was off my rocker. And definitely caught the glastonbury bug, it was unlike everything I'd ever done before. Managed to get Thursday coach tickets again for 2023 where I really enjoyed not having to leave at 4am on the friday morning, and this time we've managed to get general admission tickets, so I'm looking forward to a Wednesday night/full day Thursday \o/

That is massively impressive planning mate!

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2 hours ago, A Particular Grey Chihuahu said:

This will be my first. I feel like I won't have any stories like the people who had their 1st in the "good ole days" but I'm sure I'll have a good time 😊 

Back in my day there were people that thought in the 90's, oh the festival has changed so much, it's not the same anymore.
Same in the 80's and you've guessed, it definitely wasn't the same in the late 70's. Don't get me started on what people say in the naughties, teens and 20's... but you get the gist.

One of thee most impressive things about Glaso... is it evolves each year. Whether it's a flooding issue, a crowd issue, it makes it right. Also, regarding music and 'performing arts' GF must always be thinking, how can we improve next year!

Believe me PGC, whether you end up coming back year after year, or just this year. You'll be able to tell your grandkids about the time you went to Glasto, you will have some great stories to tell them.

Every Glasto, Every Year, to Everyone - Is unique 

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Just now, ibilly99 said:

I remember when it was all fields - those were the daze !

As in 95% of the every year 😉

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2 hours ago, A Particular Grey Chihuahu said:

This will be my first. I feel like I won't have any stories like the people who had their 1st in the "good ole days" but I'm sure I'll have a good time 😊 

You are about to have the best weekend of your life!! Enjoy 😉 

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3 hours ago, A Particular Grey Chihuahu said:

This will be my first. I feel like I won't have any stories like the people who had their 1st in the "good ole days" but I'm sure I'll have a good time 😊 

You absolutely will! Can’t wait for you to come back and share it!!! 

I really don’t know how you all remember so much. My first year, 99, I was driven by my best mate from college. We didn’t have a tent but another girl from college lent us a scout tent - it was tiny, one of those ones you can only lie down in! 

we camped on pennards. I think we must have arrived on the Thursday and I think that was normal then? I can’t remember. I spent all day Friday from Bush onwards glued to the front of the pyramid so I could be on the front row for REM which still is one of the best gigs of my life. It changed my world! I remember walking around all the sparkling lights at night, and this slight air of danger cause it was dark. We saw the manics the next night and dressed up like manics fans thinking it was funny but I realise now we just looked like manics fans. 

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My first was last year. I had a ticket for 2022 but for reasons that I'm still kicking myself about, I didn't go. I found it overwhelming. A mad bacchanalian. A group of friends with undeserved main character energy. The best tan of my life culminating in me breaking down in tears as Elton John played Rocketman and I was surrounded by all my friends who were all hugging each other as the fireworks went off and I had my arms wrapped around my girlfriend who was stood in front of me and whose mum is a huge Elton fan, who at that point, was in a really good place in her life after years of mental health issues that took a toll on her family and it took my girlfriend perservering in getting her mum the support she needed. She's still in a good place now. It was a lot of things that came to the boil.


Life felt weird for a good couple of days after coming back on the Monday. My personal mental health has taken a battering the past few months and I'm hoping for some catharsis next week. It's a special place.

Edited by Flighty Zoo
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18 hours ago, Pinhead said:

That is massively impressive planning mate!

I have just noticed your first Glasto was 94 as well looking at your sig.

Is that every Glasto since (of course fallow years and covid not included) 
Im asking so I can copy it, minus 2004, the year my son was born

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2 hours ago, Staberinde said:

I have just noticed your first Glasto was 94 as well looking at your sig.

Is that every Glasto since (of course fallow years and covid not included) 
Im asking so I can copy it, minus 2004, the year my son was born

Yep - every one since. Dunno how I've managed it.

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2 hours ago, Pinhead said:

Yep - every one since. Dunno how I've managed it.

I often thank my lucky stars for getting tickets every year bar one - my son was born Glasto weekend.

I've just copied your sig to mine but scoring one year out thanks.

That aside, it's not just luck tho is it? For the last 12 or so years I've been camping in a big camp, we all get together in a syndicate and after we have bought our own groups, we keep trying for the next group... and then the next group.

See you at the Cider Bus Wednesday Pin 😁

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9 minutes ago, Staberinde said:

I often thank my lucky stars for getting tickets every year bar one - my son was born Glasto weekend.

I've just copied your sig to mine but scoring one year out thanks.

That aside, it's not just luck tho is it? For the last 12 or so years I've been camping in a big camp, we all get together in a syndicate and after we have bought our own groups, we keep trying for the next group... and then the next group.

See you at the Cider Bus Wednesday Pin 😁

Yeah same here in the last 10 years I guess. Tbh, I haven't actually been lucky with getting one myself for over 5 years now - it's been just two members of the 'team' who have been successful for all of us over that time. Dunno what they do but whatever it is it's working. Failing a ticket tho I just do it with Oxfam as I've done 3 times at Glasto.

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 1997 was my first.


A couple of mates had been in 1995, when we were 16, and they wouldn't stop going on about how amazing it was. Obviously the weather in 95 was glorious. After viewing the Channel 4 TV highlights, we vowed to go the next year, but 1996 was fallow, so we all went to Phoenix 96 instead, which was a life changing experience in wall to wall sunshine with the best line-up of any festival ever. But we still wanted to do Glastonbury.


So the next year rolled round and we bought tickets for Glastonbury 1997 (over the counter in HMV I think). We arrived on site on Wednesday afternoon, which, following a long period of poor weather, was already in a terrible, terrible state. I'd never seen mud like it. Two of my mates had catastrophically slipped and fallen in the quagmire before we even made it to the gate.


We had been directed into the east car parks, but someone in our party had decided we had to camp in Pennards, so we had a long trek across the site. We had all brought way too much stuff - I, for example, was carrying/dragging an immensely heavy holdall full of tinned food, none of which I ended up eating. But we eventually made it to Pennards, and set up camp. We were too close to the toilets, but we were young and inexperienced and didn't realise our mistake until it was way too late, and spent the entire festival immersed in the pungent aroma of the turdises.


As I recall, Wednesday wasn't too bad weather wise, but Thursday was a different matter. It absolutely hammered it down all day accompanied with strong winds, and it was freezing cold. Two of my friends' tents proved woefully inadequate - one pretty much destroyed itself in the wind, and the other simply wasn't waterproof in any way. Abandoning most of their sodden stuff in their stricken shelters, we made room for them in the remaining tents.


By Friday morning the site was well and truly f**ked. Whole areas of the markets were waist deep in water and completely impassable, and everywhere else the mud was absolutely biblical. The only other year I've seen anything like it was 2005, a few hours after the floods when the ground had been churned up by the crowds.


The mud was literally knee deep in many places, and some parts, for example the bottlenecks either side of the Main Stage (no Pyramid that year) were seriously dangerous, especially in the dark. These areas are much wider nowadays, and the lighting is much better. It was shoulder to shoulder in the crowd, and you were relentlessly pushed forward while struggling to unstick your feet so you could actually move. I remember thinking that if someone fell over they would just be trampled into the mud, never to be seen again. You couldn't have stopped to help even if you wanted to.


I don't remember much about Friday. I do remember that the NME Stage (the Other Stage) was found to be sinking, so the first few acts were cancelled while they somehow sorted that out. I think we split most of our time between the NME Stage and the Main Stage, simply because it was difficult to actually get anywhere else on site. We definitely saw Placebo, Supergrass, The Smashing Pumpkins and The Prodigy, who were beset by all sorts of technical problems including the sound shutting off completely for an extended period of time. I have no recollection of what I did after the main stages had finished, apart from somehow losing everyone else for several hours and wandering around desperately trying to find my way back to the tent. I had taken no notice at all of where we were camped, and I didn't understand the layout at all. I eventually found my way back by sheer luck.


A large part of Saturday was spent at the campsite getting completely stoned. At one point a load of police turned up and bustled through the middle of our campsite, returning the same way about 20 minutes later with a dead body on a stretcher, which they plonked down next to our campfire for a few minutes while they had a rest. We looked on in horror from our tents. This sobered us up, and we decided to get up and try and make the most of things, so we spent the rest of the day and evening again moving between the NME Stage and the Main Stage, consuming various dubious substances along the way, culminating in The Chemical Brothers on the NME Stage, and then Radiohead's legendary performance.


By Sunday morning we were spent, and it was the one and only time I've left the festival early. We were utterly exhausted and literally covered in mud. I remember the layer of mud on my legs being about a centimetre deep in places, set rock hard like cement in the hairs, and impossible to remove until I was able to soak in the bath when I got home. We were all in various stages of horrendous hangovers and come-downs, and my insides were seriously wrong - I hadn't had a sh*t for the entire festival, and when I got home I couldn't sh*t.


So my first Glastonbury was a proper adventure, and in many ways completely horrible 🤣. The experience, combined with having very limited funds as a university student, had a definite cooling effect on my festival ambitions - I didn't attend again until 2002, which was mercifully dry, and I fell in love with the place. I've been incredibly lucky to be able to attend most years since, missing only 2013 (financial difficulties) and 2019 (failed to get tickets), and my kids have been along for the ride as well since 2010.


Unlike me, several of my mates decided to try again in 1998 😬

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First time was 2008, the Jay-Z year. Only sold out the day before the festival, imagine that now? Anyway, it was awesome and this year will be my 9th time. We're ditching the kids too this year having taken them at all ages from bump to 13. Late night carnage here we come!

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34 minutes ago, stuart_ainslie said:

First time was 2008, the Jay-Z year. Only sold out the day before the festival, imagine that now? Anyway, it was awesome and this year will be my 9th time. We're ditching the kids too this year having taken them at all ages from bump to 13. Late night carnage here we come!

My first was 2008 and this is my 9th festival as well. On the kids front we got away with it with no kids until 2022 and are again taking our 3 this year along with my in laws. I'd love one late night this year.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/21/2024 at 5:43 PM, A Particular Grey Chihuahu said:

This will be my first. I feel like I won't have any stories like the people who had their 1st in the "good ole days" but I'm sure I'll have a good time 😊 

So how was it? 
as for the good ole days it’s up to you to now create your own great experiences.! 

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On 7/24/2024 at 7:01 PM, Ayrshire Chris said:

So how was it? 
as for the good ole days it’s up to you to now create your own great experiences.! 


I had a blast! Danced with hare krishna's, chatted to Newton Faulkner, met an amazing girl. It was an awesome weekend, and I'm still a bit sad I'm not there anymore.

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47 minutes ago, A Particular Grey Chihuahu said:


I had a blast! Danced with hare krishna's, chatted to Newton Faulkner, met an amazing girl. It was an awesome weekend, and I'm still a bit sad I'm not there anymore.


I chatted to Newton Faulkner too, he visited my friends stained glass stall whilst I was in there chatting to her. Neither of us had a clue who he was until he left, it was one of her stall helpers that recognised him. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

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9 hours ago, A Particular Grey Chihuahu said:


I had a blast! Danced with hare krishna's, chatted to Newton Faulkner, met an amazing girl. It was an awesome weekend, and I'm still a bit sad I'm not there anymore.


More about the romance please ☺️

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