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singles thread

Guest outtolunch

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Oh, piss off mam. And while you're at it get the vodka, dvd player and non dangly fairly light related goodies warmed up for some serious cultural participation with thee, the main man and my fine ass good for nothing self.

Know what I'm saying!

And if this Special K advert doesn't f**k off then I'll continue to be very annoyed!

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Ah but I fear Ive become too single!

Seriously all i want is someone go to gigs/movies with (going on your own feels sad if you have to do it too often!), I dont want a "5 year plan" of engagement, marriage and kids! Im 24 and as Ive said on here before all of my friends are either married, engaged or practically married/engaged. They're all too busy saving for houses, holidays and weddings to throw money away spending time with their old pal Adam (me)

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I feel exactly like u do! My only single mate i go to gigs etc with is moving back up north to inverness next friday, im totally gutted. I have a couple of other single mates but they just arent into the same things as me at all, plus they also live about an hour away. I feel like if i want to see my relationshippy friends id have to plan it weeks in advance, I cud never just phone and say 'hey fancy the pub tonight'.. hence why tonight im home on my own with 8 cans of strongbow!! im pathetic!

I just want my old fun mates back :)

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Sucks don't it. My saturday night involved going to tesco, buying a DVD and watching said DVD by myself... exciting stuff!

On the plus side one of my mate's other half is going away for work for 2 months so hopefully I'll see more of him in the coming weeks (although annoyingly he's unemployed so can't afford to do much) Maybe he can re-grow his balls in her absence... This is a guy who, when I offered him a ticket to see a band he likes and she doesn't said "I would need 2 tickets" and when I asked why he said very seriously "because whem you love someone you do everything with them" and he's lived by that for just over a year and a half now :)

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I know, my mate's a drip.... When he was single he spent his whole time whinging about it, then when he started seeing his other half (his first proper GF) he's become stupidly clingy, proposed after 3 months, and has dropped ridiculous statements (on top of the one you quoted) such as "When your fiance's in agony you don't just leave her" (she had a throat infection, so he couldn't come to the pub) and also left a house party after 10 minutes after "feeling guilty for leaving her alone" when she had a cold preventing her from coming out...

F*ck knows how he's gonna handle her being in America for 2 months.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Lithium - your mate sounds like he needs serious help.

has he been like this with any other girls, or just this one?

Has she done anything to make him like this?

Im just wondering if this ridiculous behaviour is down to her or him and if he has form for this.

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Lithium - your mate sounds like he needs serious help.

has he been like this with any other girls, or just this one?

Has she done anything to make him like this?

Im just wondering if this ridiculous behaviour is down to her or him and if he has form for this.

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It's his first girlfriend, he was 22 when they started going out, he's so worried that he'll never get another that he's essentially become a doormat,
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