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singles thread

Guest outtolunch

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Hair standing up on the back of the neck when you talk to them. Slightly sickly feeling in your stomach. Lustful yearing. Doodling and suddently party of their name becomes intwines with images of clouds on the pile of post it notes by your desk. Wondering what they are doing when you aren't with them. A sense of apprehension when you see them. Things like that normally give it away to be honest.

I never bought anything for the first few meetings. It's a judgement thing, but normally just when things feel right. I think people make these matters far more complicated than they need to be.

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I used to get a little upset at the fact I was freaking- useless in a similar manner in my youth. I always realted to the Extras line about "loosing your virginity at 22 to a girl who looked like Ronnie Corbett.." :)

However, upon relfection, I believe I was just a late starter, and despite the numerous experiences similar to yours, and the frustration contained withtin, I kinda realised that I just wasn't ready to deal with all this shit, till I was in my mid-twenties. :lol:

As embarrassing as that is, when I think back to the CARNAGE I created for myself in the situations. One of the first girls I ever liked, (she was lovely, and did me no wrong at all) ended up with me pissed beyond redemption, gutted, crying into the gutter and smashing a five hundred pound guitar.... :O

Anyway, I say be cool, be you, regret nothing and realise that when you are ready, it will happen.

No one was a bigger idiot than I in these matters. But, trust me, if I can get the hang of it, ANYONE can!

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Something to think about definately, though I think it's more of a mental block, having spent two years looking like a hippo, I sort of conditioned myself to believe that no one would be interested, which is something I'm finding it hard to break out of (in spite of a few one-off successes since then I feel I should add)
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i dont want my friends and family mixing, i like having that barrier. whats the problem. why does that make me emotionally stunted. you are very quick to condemn people stifi.
Edited by sifimaster
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Not really. You've been posting here for ages. You think you have a right to tell your friends and your sister what they can and can not do. And then use emotional blackmail to keep them unhappy. That's meglomania, and stinks of being a control freak.

I'll judge that if I so wish.

Edited by greeneyes1980
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Because you are hitting the roof, ranting and raving because a friend, who presumambly love as a friend, and your sister, who you love as your sister, could find happiness in each other arms.

If daming that is that's your definition of being a c**t, then so be it. Personally I think it's a lot more c**t like to try and stop two other people - who you supposedly love - from being happy for the sake of your own hapiness. Selfish, self-centred and egocentric. Like I said emotionally stunted.

Edited by greeneyes1980
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we know you know what love is stifi we are all aware you are in a relationship buddy probably the biggest love story ever told the way you bang on about it, we hearabout it every f**king 10 minutes and how brilliant your relationship is and the way you go on must be so much better than everybodys else's. i dont know any other forum memeber who forces everyone to read such banal drivle about how happy you are in your relationship. we get it mate well done!!
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we know you know what love is stifi we are all aware you are in a relationship buddy probably the biggest love story ever told the way you bang on about it, we hearabout it every f**king 10 minutes and how brilliant your relationship is and the way you go on must be so much better than everybodys else's. i dont know any other forum memeber who forces everyone to read such banal drivle about how happy you are in your relationship. we get it mate well done!!
Edited by sifimaster
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Now, who is getting personal? Hey? I don't give a f**k what kind of mood you are in. If you post something I disagree with, I'll comment on it.

I'm saying my final word on the matter. You are so c**tishly selfish that you put your own discomfort above the hapiness of your own sister and your own friend. You want personal? I don't think anyone who thinks that way about themselves is lovable in any way ; how can anyone be loved when they are so egocentric that they don't want two people they love to be happy together.

You can carry on with your abuse of me now little man.

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f**k you nob head, you got personal instead of just talking about what i posted your started throwing around insults. dont play that game if you dont expect some shit back.

ha ha well i guess no one will ever love me, its a cross i bear. i guess ill never find the love you have stifi. but then non of us probably will.

now why not spurt out some more half arsed Italian shit for us all to marvel at how cultured you are.

Edited by sifimaster
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Okay, explain to me why your own comfort is more important than love between a friend who you say you love and a sister, who you say you love.

You can't love them if you don't want them to be happy ; you can't love anything if you put your own feelings above theirs, surely? Otherwise it's not love. It's just lip-service.

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Okay, explain to me why your own comfort is more important than love between a friend who you say you love and a sister, who you say you love.

You can't love them if you don't want them to be happy ; you can't love anything if you put your own feelings above theirs, surely? Otherwise it's not love. It's just lip-service.

If you reference to the half-arsed Italian shit was about the ars amatoria i posted earlier, it's not Italian.

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when have we said that theya re in love, you dotn just go bang love. i am presumming they ahve been dating to fall in love. lets make it simple nom dating no love no messy friendships being broken up simple.

i have helped my sisters on countless occasions and always been there for them, sorting out violent boyfriends is just an example. i just would not have my sister dating any of my friends. i doubt i could stop it but i wouldn't be happy about it and they would know about it.

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