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Guest tHomBleached

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watched a program about the new alone in the dark at the weekend, think it looks good, havent played one of them since AITD2 back in the day

btw, for anyone who has it, how awesome is skate? my flatmate got it and i absolutely love it, pisses all over tony hawks

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watched a program about the new alone in the dark at the weekend, think it looks good, havent played one of them since AITD2 back in the day

btw, for anyone who has it, how awesome is skate? my flatmate got it and i absolutely love it, pisses all over tony hawks

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so I bought Oblivion for PS3 (GOTY edition) last week and I'm absolutely hooked. It's just incredible, easily one of the best games ever made and I've only just scraped the surface.

Anyone bored with their PS3 and in possession of alot of free time I suggest checks it out now, if you haven't already.

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I've been playing Drake's Fortune. The demo had put me off but my gf's brother posted me a copy from NZ (hoping to get something better back presumably) and I was pleased to find that the demo is completely misrepresentative of the game which is excellent. Great visuals, competent control mechanism, enjoyable characters and plot, cute level design, great sets and set pieces. Very enjoyable.
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drakes fortune is a corker!

i really loved that game.

the part where you climb the fortress thingys wall, while hanging above the sea.

i dunno why but that moment was great.

the whole game was great, what tomb raider wishes to be.

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April 11th.

I *almost* bought Smash Bros last week... $49+tax + I'd have to buy a freeloader for £10ish... but I can see nintendo blocking out the freeloader with a firmware update, and didn't fancy wasting the money :P

Picked me up a classic controller + official blue rubber jacket thingy for about £8 though :)

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