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End of the road festival 2008

Guest zahidf

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This is another question for endoftheroadro...

My girlfriend is attending her first ever festival this year and although she is looking forward to some of the music such as Laura Marling and Bon Iver, she has asked me many questions concerning "other activities". I have never been to EOTR so cannot really answer her effectively...please could you help with the following questions...

Are there "Healing Field" equivalent stalls? I.e. Massage/Reiki etc?

Is there a Cinema/Film/Visual Arts tent of any kind?

I am happy even if you say no to both of the questions above (cannot wait to see the Bowerbirds, Friska Viljor and Absentee among others).

Let me know and I will pass on the information to my "festival virgin" beloved...many thanks <_<

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I bought early bird tickets as I left EotR last year....I must've had a great festival because I can't remember if I was given tickets (if so God knows where they are) or if they're sending them out. Do any other early bird buyers out there know the answer?

Cheers....hopefully see you there!

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Here's another ticket question(..this time from a"first timer")..

We bought/ordered tickets online at the tail end of last year and although received a confirmation email, which contained a "dummy" pdf ticket attachment(saying "It works!"),we were wondering if tickets were sent electronicaly or whether tickets are posted out?

Thanks all

(I have tried emailing EOTR but as of yet I've had no reply)

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A friend and I had a private competition last year to see who saw either Tom or Alex White the most over the three days. Can't remember who it was, but there was one set in the Local where all four of Brakes were standing seperately from each other watching.

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The number of tickets on sale is 5000.

When the staff/bands/press/security/stores and volunteers etc get there it is usually around the 6,000 figure....i don't think we have had anywhere near 7,000 on site......

We like people to have a good view, and to have plenty of space to enjoy the bands. (it's also great to know that many of the bands end up staying for the whole festival (as anyone who bumped into james yorkston last year, or saw members of brakes and sea power getting messy at the front during Yo La Tengo will attest). I think it says a lot about the festival that so many bands ask to come back.......it makes us very proud- and the number of 'return' visitors to the festival does as well.

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