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Interview advice please

Guest SharonStoned

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I'm more miserable than I've ever been in work so I've applied for 2 jobs working for the NHS.

Unfortunately, although the first one's location would be my first choice I didn't notice it was job share when I submitted my application and I couldn't retract it. A week later another job up - full time, job of my dreams & would love to get it. It's a long way from home so would only be able to do it for a couple of years before the drive would get me down.

My dilemma is I've got an interview for the first job. I'd love to go for the experience so I'm better prepared for my interview for the second job (if I get one) but don't want to mess them around by turning the job down if I got it as I would eventually like to work there if/when a full time job comes up.

Please help me with some advice!!! This has been running around my head for a week !!

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Go to the interview. Going to an interview doesn't mean that you want the job. It means you are interested in the job. It's like a date. You might up with a bloke for a dinner, but that doesn't mean you are going to marry him. If the hours don't work for you, or a better offer comes along - as it might do - then that's life. You are in the job market - you don't want to limit your options.

Employers are reasonable enough to recognise this. If they are good interviewers they will ask you if you have got anything else on the go, and there is no harm in answering them honestly - there is a similar position to this that I've applied for.

Oh - and good luck!

Edited by sifimaster
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I'm more miserable than I've ever been in work so I've applied for 2 jobs working for the NHS.

Unfortunately, although the first one's location would be my first choice I didn't notice it was job share when I submitted my application and I couldn't retract it. A week later another job up - full time, job of my dreams & would love to get it. It's a long way from home so would only be able to do it for a couple of years before the drive would get me down.

My dilemma is I've got an interview for the first job. I'd love to go for the experience so I'm better prepared for my interview for the second job (if I get one) but don't want to mess them around by turning the job down if I got it as I would eventually like to work there if/when a full time job comes up.

Please help me with some advice!!! This has been running around my head for a week !!

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What he said ^^^^

Also, if they want you in the company and make you an offer and you have to turn them down witht he reason of needing a full time job, better hours, more pay etc, there's always the chance that they may send you a better offer.... All depends how much you impress them in the interview, which I'm sure they will. It's always best to go into these things with the idea in your head that they need you to work for them!


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Go to the interview. Going to an interview doesn't mean that you want the job. It means you are interested in the job. It's like a date. You might up with a bloke for a dinner, but that doesn't mean you are going to marry him. If the hours don't work for you, or a better offer comes along - as it might do - then that's life. You are in the job market - you don't want to limit your options.

Employers are reasonable enough to recognise this. If they are good interviewers they will ask you if you have got anything else on the go, and there is no harm in answering them honestly - there is a similar position to this that I've applied for.

Oh - and good luck!

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Agree with the others - definately go. Remember that an interview is a 2 way thing - you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you.

This will also give you some practice in interviews - sounds like you've not had one for a while, and it never hurts to practice. You'll find that the more interviews you go to, the less nervous you are about them.

As for the dreads - do you normally have them red? If so, leave them. The last thing you want is to get the job with natural looking dreads and then turn up on the first day and they have a problem with the colour.

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and never work in retail.......man its a scary world working in a shop!!!

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The grass is always greener eh?

Take a tip from the beaten one.... don't be seduced into working for a charitable organisation. The working conditions are terrible, there is no training budget for professional development and, although money has never been my motivator, the rates of pay are shocking!!

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