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Family camping

Guest lalala

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Cockmill meadow is pretty silent at night - much less background noise than you might expect. Unless you're quite inconsiderate (I'm sure you're not!), you'll probably self-regulate though. The alternative would be to camp somewhere like Hitchin Hill.
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Any parents on their own this year might be interested in the "Single Mums thread"

/index.php?showtopic=97477&pid=2166661&st=0&#entry2166661">Clicky here for "Single Mums Thread"

As a parent myself, I take my hat off to any mums/dads/carers etc who take their kids to Glasto.

I'd love to bring them along but both my Wife & Daughter have blown me out! They prefer smaller Family Festivals like Beautiful Days & Wychwood.

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Any parents on their own this year might be interested in the "Single Mums thread"

/index.php?showtopic=97477&pid=2166661&st=0&#entry2166661">Clicky here for "Single Mums Thread"

As a parent myself, I take my hat off to any mums/dads/carers etc who take their kids to Glasto.

I'd love to bring them along but both my Wife & Daughter have blown me out! They prefer smaller Family Festivals like Beautiful Days & Wychwood.

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Last year our dowter was 2 and a half. Family camping was great,good mix of people and we saw parts of the festival we never knew existed (pre Madam)! Bit of advice,try and pitch one tent in from the tents next to tracks, saves weaving around guide ropes especially at night when going back to base! (I'm talking from experience here,fell on my arse loads of times and I was carrying the buggy...)Plenty of black bags and waterfroof waterproofs! CHILLAX!

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Really pleased to see this thread

Glad I'm not the only mad one.

First time at glastonbury and bringing my 10 and12 year old daughters.

to make things worse I work at a special needs school in Devon so will not be there untill Friday teatime.

Wondering if there will be any space left for us by then.

Any advice on where to camp will be much appreciated

PS the girls are VERY excited so sure it will be worth it

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Really pleased to see this thread

Glad I'm not the only mad one.

First time at glastonbury and bringing my 10 and12 year old daughters.

to make things worse I work at a special needs school in Devon so will not be there untill Friday teatime.

Wondering if there will be any space left for us by then.

Any advice on where to camp will be much appreciated

PS the girls are VERY excited so sure it will be worth it

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Hiya, our numbers are growing steadily!

Can I also point you in the direction of this thread:


I have no advice to give as I've only been in the campervan fields before, but if this 'camp mum' thing happens, we could save u a pitch! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hiya. A bit confused, hoping that someone will have the answer (although I guess the official line won't be until we all get on site and find out what the stewards want us to do!)...

I've a medical condition that mean I really should get around 3-5 hours of sleep a night (irrespective of the people who say "It's only one weekend of the year!" or "It's Glastonbury! You don't go to Glastonbury to sleep!"). I've been to lots of festivals before, but have to admit to being a festival camping virgin (for Glastonbury, my mate and I used to stay in a B&B in Glastonbury town). This year, I'll be coming on my own to Glastonbury, and really couldn't justify the expense of travelling off-site each night to a B&B. So, I'm planning to camp, with some trepidation...

I've read the posts that people have put in some forums about how you don't come to Glastonbury to sleep, and I've also read in this thread that a smattering of non-families have camped in the family camping at Cockmill Meadow in previous years and it's been really quiet. Which sounds great, but:

http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/[......e-08-may(1).jpg (the official map from the festival site)

This map shows Cockmill Meadow as being "Family Camping only". How strictly is that enforced? Will an early thirties guy turning up on his own (after last year's mud, the wife refuses to brave Glastonbury again, and says our son can only go once he's 7 or 8 years old) get frowned at or thought to be dodgy? I'll have mates camping elsewhere on site, but they're unlikely to be quite as concerned about sleep deprivation as I am. :unsure:

Any thoughts/help/ideas? :)

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alanc i think it will be fine, its really a noise issue so as long as your considerate and meet and greet your neighbours then it will be swell.

there are other other areas that are quiet, like nearish the cinema i think.

i dont think cockhill is family camping this year, hasnt it moved to big ground?

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getting more and more confused as i keep looking at the maps and trying to decide where were going to camp this year! were in oxleys in 05 but are bringing the kids (11, 9) with us this time. had decided on hitchin hill or lime kiln but the distance from everywhere is putting me off a bit! my problem with the family camping is that im worried that we'll be woke early by younger kids around us etc, (not a problem with that particularly, mine were young toddlers too once!) but as our two will try and stay up as late as they can im a bit bothered that we'll all be awake early as well and end up with sleep deprived kids! should i stick with the plan for non family camp or is the family camp the place to be??

hope i havent upset anybody by the 'early morning kids' bit ! - not intended! just trying to be practical! :D


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i dont think that family camping is any noisey than any other field in the morning but then maybe i just got lucky with who was camping near us last year.or maybe i just drone out kiddy noise!

i like family camping, quiet at night, near to the gate we came in. kids field near enough for my daughter to walk down on her own and near the bakery :D

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getting more and more confused as i keep looking at the maps and trying to decide where were going to camp this year! were in oxleys in 05 but are bringing the kids (11, 9) with us this time. had decided on hitchin hill or lime kiln but the distance from everywhere is putting me off a bit! my problem with the family camping is that im worried that we'll be woke early by younger kids around us etc, (not a problem with that particularly, mine were young toddlers too once!) but as our two will try and stay up as late as they can im a bit bothered that we'll all be awake early as well and end up with sleep deprived kids! should i stick with the plan for non family camp or is the family camp the place to be??

hope i havent upset anybody by the 'early morning kids' bit ! - not intended! just trying to be practical! :(


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  • 1 year later...

Hi a friend and me are first timers and bringing our 12 year old daughters - were not really sure about the family field as thought it may be full of toddlers, but reading below looks ok. We are not arriving till early friday morning, thinking of parking in west car parks and heading for camping areas over that side. let us know where you are thinking of going.

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This is a good thread! Was set on Cockmill, but am now thinking, hmm, like zoso said, my kids will deffo want to stay up late and maybe sleep in a bit, and I would like the chance to have some late night waffle round the camp fire, sine I doubt I will be able to mosey up to the Stone circle with the kids, so maybe somewhere else might suit better.

Will check out the maps!

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