Hot Chip & more added to ATP vs Pitchfork

By Neil Greenway | Published: Fri 19th Oct 2007

All Tomorrow's Parties vs Pitchfork 2008

Friday 9th to Sunday 11th May 2008
Camber Sands Holiday Centre, nr Rye, East Sussex, England MAP
£140 per person. Tickets sold per chalet booked - SOLD OUT

ATP vs Pitchfork which takes place at Camber Sands Holiday Camp, nr Rye, East Sussex, from Friday 9th until Sunday 11th May 2008 have announced more acts.

Jointly curated by ATP and Pitchfork Media, the new acts chosen by ATP are The Black Angels, Shit and Shine, and Meat Puppets, while Pitchfork have newly chosen No Age, Les Savy Fav, and Hot Chip.

They join the previously confirmed acts of Ween, Sebadoh, Fuck Buttons, Pissed Jeans, and Apse chosen by ATP, and Dirty Projectors, Of Montreal, Caribou, Man Man, Glass Candy, and Los Campesinos chosen by Pitchfork. More acts will be announced over the coming weeks and months.

Tickets which include a 3-day festival pass and 3 nights accommodation are on sale, at a cost of £140 per person. Tickets must be booked per chalet, which are available in for 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 people. To buy, click here.

Details of a second ATP event in May will be announced soon, which will happen at the Butlins Resort at Minehead, Somerset from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th May.

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