Sussex Solstice - CANCELLED 2015

Sussex Solstice - CANCELLED 2015

Friday 19th to Saturday 20th June 2015
Winters Farm, Southover, Spring Lane, Burwash, East Sussex, TN19 7JB, England MAP
£35 for the weekend + £10 camping
Daily capacity: 499
Last updated: Thu 16th Apr 2015


Sussex Solstice has been cancelled. Organisers made a statement saying,


"To all friends of Sussex Solstice.

It is with great regret that we have decided not to proceed with Sussex Solstice 2015.

A tremendous amount of work has gone on behind the scenes and we have the support of both the Parish and District Councils. We have met all of the criteria required to submit the full license application this week and the Event Management Plan is complete and ready. We are very confident that the license would be awarded, particularly in view of the help and assistance we have received from Rother District Council’s team on this project.

Unfortunately, due to the threat of a direct legal challenge from a local resident received in advance of the final license application, we consider that it is in everyone’s interest that enough notice is given to all parties that the event is not going ahead.

We wish to maintain the integrity of our promotional company and festival name by not entering into a legal dispute that could jeopardise the financial interests of the Bands, Sound and Staging Companies and Catering Vendors. With this in mind, all losses to this point will be borne by the Directors of Sanctuary Media Entertainment Ltd and all those that have purchased tickets will have the face value of their ticket money refunded directly to their bank accounts within 5 working days.

The Directors would like everyone to know that they are music fans first and foremost, and are extremely conscious of the fact that festivals such as Sussex Solstice are one of the very few ways original artists can get noticed in the 21st Century. Mainstream media is focused on mediocre, manufactured and bland predictability and with this in mind it is particularly galling that we have had to cancel the festival for the reasons that we have.

We will be looking at ways to redress the balance in the future.


Mark and Simon."


Sussex Solstice will be held at Winters Farm, Burwash, East Sussex on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th June 2015.


Two stages will host Pearl Handled Revolver, Dirty DC, Walkway, Pint Size Hero, The Dash, - Just Floyd, Foulplay, South Of Saturn, Snakebyte, The Skarlettos, The Giddy Ants, Ourcoustic, and more.


Tickets are priced as follows:

All Weekend, Adult: £35
All Weekend, Under 14: £17.50
Camping, Tent pitch: £10
Camper Van Pitch : £35

Friday Night Only, Adult : £10
Friday Night Only, Under 14: £5
Saturday All Day Only, Adult: £25
Saturday All Day Only, Under 14: £12


Proceeds from the event will be going to The Teenage Cancer Trust and The MS Society in 2015 in Burwash.


This event will offer family camping, children's entertainment, and food and drink.

More information will be here when available.

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