The Great Escape 2017 Line-up And Rumours

The Great Escape 2017 - around the festival site
Photo credit: Katy Blackwood

The Great Escape 2017

Thursday 18th to Saturday 20th May 2017
various venues, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 9NA, England MAP
£60 for a festival ticket
Daily capacity: 15,000
Last updated: Tue 9th May 2017

(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour

Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) 67
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Abattoir Blues
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Abattoir Blues
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Abattoir Blues
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Abattoir Blues
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Abra Cadabra
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Adam Naas
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Afriquoi
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Agar Agar
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Agar Agar
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) Ailbhe Reddy
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Ailbhe Reddy
Fri 19th, One Church(C) Aine Cahill
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Ainslie Wills
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Ainslie Wills
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Ainslie Wills
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Alaskalaska
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Aldous Harding
Thu 18th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Aldous Harding
Fri 19th, One Church(C) Aldous Harding
Fri 19th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Aldous Harding
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Alex Cameron
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Alice Jemima
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Alice Jemima
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Alice Jemima
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Alice Jemima
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Alice Jemima
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Alice Jemima
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Aliocha
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Aliocha
Thu 18th, The Arch(C) Alma
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Altameda
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Altameda
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Altameda
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Altameda
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Alyss
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Ama Lou
Sat 20th, MONO(C) Amy Becker
Fri 19th, The Arch(C) Anna Straker
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) Anteros
Thu 18th, Coalition(C) Aristophanes
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Artificial Pleasure
Sat 20th, The Arch(C) Asgeir
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Astroid Boys
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Astroid Boys
Thu 18th, The Old Market(C) Avelino
Sat 20th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Ayanna Witter-Johnson
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Ayia
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Azusena
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Baba Shrimps
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Baba Shrimps
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Baba Shrimps
Sat 20th, The Haunt(C) Babeheaven
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Baby Queens
Fri 19th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Baby Queens
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Bad Pop
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Bad Pop
Sat 20th, Bleach(C) Bad Pop
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Bad Pop
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Bad Sounds
Sat 20th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Baloji
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Bang Bang Romeo
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Bang Bang Romeo
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Bantam Lyons
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Bantam Lyons
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Be Charlotte
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Be Charlotte
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Be Charlotte
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Be Charlotte
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Be Charlotte
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Be Charlotte
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Be Charlotte
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Be Charlotte
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Beauty Sleep
Fri 19th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Beauty Sleep
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Becky & The Birds
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Beliefs
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Beliefs
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Beliefs
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Beliefs
Fri 19th, Z's New Road Unitarian Stage(C) Belleville Orchestra
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Belly Squad
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Bert Miller and the Animal Folk
Sat 20th, Unitarian Church(C) Bess Atwell
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Betti
Thu 18th, Shooshh(C) Betty Who
Thu 18th, The Hub(C) Big Heath
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Bite The Buffalo
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Biuret
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Biuret
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Blackwaters
Sat 20th, The Old Market(C) Blood Red Shoes
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Blue Lab Beats
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Bokito
Thu 18th, The Hub(C) Bones Garage
Fri 19th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Brain Deady
Sat 20th, Unitarian Church(C) Brent Cobb
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Brian Deady
Thu 18th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Brian Deady
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Brian Deady
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Broken Witt Rebels
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Brooke Bentham
Sat 20th, Prince Albert(C) Bruce O Yates
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Bryde
Sat 20th, One Church(C) Bud
Fri 19th, One Church(C) Busty And The Bass
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Buvette
Thu 18th, Horatio's(C) Cabbage
Thu 18th, The Haunt(C) Cabbage
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Cabbage
Fri 19th, The Haunt(C) Cabbage
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Callum Beattie
Thu 18th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Callum Beattie
Fri 19th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Callum Beattie
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Callum Stewart
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Callum Stewart
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Camo Clave
Fri 19th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Caro
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Carys Selvey
Sat 20th, Coalition(C) Casi
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Cassels
Sat 20th, Unitarian Church(C) Catherine McGrath
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Champs
Fri 19th, One Church(C) Charlie Straw
Thu 18th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Charlotte Day Wilson
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Cheap Meat
Thu 18th, The East Wing(C) Chelou
Sat 20th, The Haunt(C) Cherry Glazerr
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Childcare
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Childhood
Fri 19th, The East Wing(C) Childhood
Thu 18th, Coalition(C) Chinah
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Club Drive
Thu 18th, The Hub(C) Cocaine Piss
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Coco
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Cocoa Futures
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Code Walk
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Code Walk
Sat 20th, Unitarian Church(C) Colter Wall
Fri 19th, The East Wing(C) Communions
Thu 18th, Horatio's(C) Confidence Man
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Confidence Man
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Confidence Man
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Confidence Man
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Cosima
Sat 20th, One Church(C) Cosmic Strip
Sat 20th, Prince Albert(C) Cosmo Pyke
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Crimsons
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Cronicle
Thu 18th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Croox
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Cupids
Thu 18th, Z's New Road Unitarian Stage(C) Cut a Shine
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Cut_
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Cut_
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Cut_
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Cut_
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Dagny
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Dakota
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Dakota
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Dakota
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Dakota
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Dan Bettridge
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Dan Caplen
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Dan Croll
Thu 18th, The East Wing(C) Darlia
Thu 18th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Dat Brass
Fri 19th, The Haunt(C) Dead Pretties
Fri 19th, St Mary's Church(C) Dean Lewis
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Debrah Scarlet
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Debrah Scarlet
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Delaney Davidson
Fri 19th, One Church(C) Delaney Davidson
Thu 18th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Denai Moore
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) DGS Samurai Champs
Fri 19th, Shooshh(C) DGS Samurai Champs
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) DGS Samurai Champs
Sat 20th, Shooshh(C) DGS Samurai Champs
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Diane Birch
Fri 19th, The Old Market(C) DJ Maximum
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) dodie
Thu 18th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Douglas Dare
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Dream Wife
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Dream Wife
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Dream Wife
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Dream Wife
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Drones Club
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Eat Fast
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Eat Fast
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Eat Fast
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Eats Fast
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Ekali
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Ekali
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Elder Island
Fri 19th, The Old Market(C) Elijah & Skilliam
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Elizabete Bal?us
Fri 19th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Elizabete Bal?us
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Elizabete Bal?us
Sat 20th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Elizabete Bal?us
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Emme Woods
Thu 18th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Emme Woods
Thu 18th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Emme Woods
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Ephemerals
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Estrons
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Estrons
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Faith I Branko
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Fazerdaze
Thu 18th, The Arch(C) Fazerdaze
Thu 18th, The East Wing(C) Fickle Friends
Fri 19th, The Arch(C) FiFi Rong
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Fil Bo Riva
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Fil Bo Riva
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Fil Bo Riva
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Fil Bo River
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Fish
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Fishbach
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Flamingods
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Flamingods
Thu 18th, The Haunt(C) Flamingods
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Flamingods
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Flamingods
Sat 20th, The Haunt(C) Flamingods
Thu 18th, The East Wing(C) Flyte
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Folly Rae
Thu 18th, Unitarian Church(C) Folly Rae
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Folly Rae
Fri 19th, Unitarian Church(C) Folly Rae
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Forest of Fools
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Francobollo
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Frank Gamble
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Freak
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) Froth
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Fuck Art, Let's Dance!
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Fuck Art, Let's Dance!
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Gabriella Cohen
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Gabrielle Aplin
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Gallops
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Gallops
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Gardna
Sat 20th, The Arch(C) George Maple
Sat 20th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Geowulf
Fri 19th, The Old Market(C) Ghetts
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Giant Rooks
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Giant Rooks
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Giant Rooks
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Giant Rooks
Thu 18th, The Haunt(C) Girl Ray
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Girl Ray
Fri 19th, The Haunt(C) Girl Ray
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Girl Ray
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Girli
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Glassmaps
Thu 18th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Goat Girl
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Gold Class
Sat 20th, Shooshh(C) Goose
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Gordi
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Gothic Tropic
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Gurr
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Gurr
Thu 18th, Unitarian Church(C) H.Hawkline
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Hannah Georgas
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Hannah Georgas
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Hannah Grace
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Happy Accidents
Thu 18th, Shooshh(C) Hare Squead
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Harrison Brome
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Harrison Brome
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Haux
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Hazel English
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Hazel English
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Hazel English
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Hazel English
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Hearts Hearts
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Hearts Hearts
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Hearts Hearts
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Hearts Hearts
Sat 20th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Hejira
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Hello Moth
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Hello Moth
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Hello Moth
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Her's
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Hipsters Don't Dance
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Hisky Loops
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) HMLTD
Fri 19th, The Haunt(C) HMLTD
Sat 20th, Prince Albert(C) HMLTD
Sat 20th, The Haunt(C) HMLTD
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) Homeshake
Sat 20th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Honey Hahs
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Honey Lung
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Horse Thief
Thu 18th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Howl
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Hungry Joe
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Husky Loops
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Hyperculte
Thu 18th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Ibibio Sound Machine
Thu 18th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Ider
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Ider
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Ider
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Ider
Thu 18th, The Haunt(C) ILL
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Immigrant Swing
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Indigo Husk
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Inheaven
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Inheaven
Sat 20th, Prince Albert(C) Inheaven
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Inheaven
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Into The Ark
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Into The Ark
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Into The Ark
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Into The Ark
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Isaac Gracie
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Isabella Cross
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Isobel Anderson
Fri 19th, Unitarian Church(C) Isobel Anderson
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) J. Bernardt
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) J. Bernardt
Thu 18th, Unitarian Church(C) Jack Ladder
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Jackdat
Thu 18th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Jacko Hooper
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Jacques
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Jacques
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Jade Bird
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Jade Bird
Sat 20th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Jade Bird
Sat 20th, Prince Albert(C) Jade Bird
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) Jagara
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Jake Houlsby
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Jake Houlsby
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) James Hersey
Thu 18th, The Arch(C) James Hersey
Sat 20th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Jameszoo
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Jamie Isaac
Sat 20th, One Church(C) Jane Weaver
Fri 19th, The Arch(C) Jarami
Fri 19th, St Mary's Church(C) Jasmine Thompson
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Jay Som
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Jerkcurb
Thu 18th, The Old Market(C) Jerry Williams
Thu 18th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Jerry Williams
Sat 20th, The Old Market(C) Jerry Williams
Sat 20th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Jerry Williams
Fri 19th, One Church(C) Jesse Sheehan
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Jesse Terry
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Jesse Terry
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Jnthn Stein
Thu 18th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Joe Fox
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Joe Hertz
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) John Adams
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) John Joseph Brill
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) John K. Samson
Sat 20th, One Church(C) John K. Samson
Thu 18th, Unitarian Church(C) Jordan Mackampa
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Jossy Mitsu
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Judah & The Lion
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Judas
Sat 20th, The Arch(C) Julie Bergan
Fri 19th, Unitarian Church(C) Julie Byrne
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Julien Gasc
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Julien Gasc
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Kamikaze Girls
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) Kane Strang
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Kane Strang
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Kane Strang
Fri 19th, One Church(C) Kane Strang
Fri 19th, The Old Market(C) Kano
Sat 20th, One Church(C) Keir
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Killason
Thu 18th, Shooshh(C) Killason
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Killason
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Killason
Fri 19th, Shooshh(C) Killason
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Killason
Sat 20th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Killason
Sat 20th, Shooshh(C) Killason
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Killason
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Kim Janssen
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Kim Janssen
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Kim Janssen
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Kim Janssen
day TBC, unknown stage(C) King Henry
Fri 19th, Paganini Ballroom(C) King Nun
Fri 19th, The Haunt(C) King Nun
Thu 18th, Coalition(C) Klangstof
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Klangstof
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Klangstof
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Klangstof
Fri 19th, Shooshh(C) Knucks
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Kojey Radical
Fri 19th, Shooshh(C) Kojo Funds
Fri 19th, The Old Market(C) Kojo Funds
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Kolars
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Kolars
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Kovacs
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Krumm
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Kudu Blue
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Kytes
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Kytes
Thu 18th, Unitarian Church(C) L.A. Salami
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) L.A. Salami
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) La Jungle
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) La Jungle
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Lakuta
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Las Aves
Sat 20th, One Church(C) Leks Rivers
Thu 18th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Leo Stannard
Thu 18th, Horatio's(C) Life
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Like A Motorcycle
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Lisa Mitchell
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Lisa Mitchell
Thu 18th, The Arch(C) Little Club
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Little Hours
Fri 19th, The Old Market(C) Little Simz
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Liv Dawson
Fri 19th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Locks
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Lottery Winners
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Low Island
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Lowell
Sat 20th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Lowly
Thu 18th, Z's New Road Unitarian Stage(C) Lula and the Bebops
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Luxury Death
Fri 19th, The Arch(C) Lyra
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Madame Gandhi
Sat 20th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Mammut
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Marc O'Reilly
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Marc O'Reilly
Sat 20th, Prince Albert(C) Marc O'Reilly
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Marc O'Reilly
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Maria Kelly
Thu 18th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Marika Hackman
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) MarthaGunn
Fri 19th, The Old Market(C) MarthaGunn
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) MarthaGunn
Sat 20th, The Old Market(C) MarthaGunn
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Matt Maeson
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Matt Maeson
Sat 20th, Coalition(C) Matt Maeson
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Matt Maeson
Fri 19th, One Church(C) Matt Maltese
Fri 19th, Unitarian Church(C) Matt Woods
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Mauno
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Mauno
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) MC Sniper
Sat 20th, Shooshh(C) MC Sniper
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Me + Marie
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Me + Marie
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Me + Marie
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Mellow Gang
Sat 20th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Michael Baker
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Middle Kids
Sat 20th, One Church(C) Mikko Joensuu
Thu 18th, The Arch(C) Miles From Kinshasa
Sat 20th, The Haunt(C) Miya Folick
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Mo Kenney
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Mo Kenney
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Mo Kenney
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Mo Kenney
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Molly
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Molly
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Molly
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Molly
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Mome
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Monico Blonde
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Monico Blonde
Thu 18th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Monster Florence
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Monster Florence
Fri 19th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Monster Florence
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Monster Florence
Thu 18th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Mosa Wild
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Moses
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Mozart's Sister
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Mozart's Sister
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Mozart's Sister
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Mozart's Sister
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Mozart's Sister
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Mozart's Sister
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Mullally
Thu 18th, The Old Market(C) Mullally
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Mullally
Fri 19th, The Old Market(C) Mullally
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Mungo
Sat 20th, The Haunt(C) Mystic Braves
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Napoleon Gold
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Napoleon Gold
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Napoleon Gold
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Napoleon Gold
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Nathan Ball
Sat 20th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Native Dancer
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) New Gen
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Nilufer Yanya
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Noga Erez
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Noga Erez
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) North Downs
Fri 19th, Shooshh(C) Not3s
Sat 20th, Prince Albert(C) Nova Twins
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) October Drift
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Odd Beholder
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Odd Beholder
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Odd Beholder
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Odd Beholder
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Odd Beholder
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Odd Beholder
Sat 20th, Coalition(C) Off Bloom
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Olympia
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) One Sentence. Supervisor
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) One Sentence. Supervisor
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) One Sentence. Supervisor
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) One Sentence. Supervisor
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Orla Gartland
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Oscar Jerome
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Oscar Jerome
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Oscar Jerome
Sat 20th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Oscar Jerome
Fri 19th, The Arch(C) Otzeki
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Our Girl
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) OUTLYA
Thu 18th, Coalition(C) Overcoats
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Paigey Cakey
Fri 19th, Shooshh(C) Paigey Cakey
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Paigey Cakey
Sat 20th, Shooshh(C) Paigey Cakey
Fri 19th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Papooz
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Parcels
Sat 20th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Parekh & Singh
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Paris Youth Foundation
Fri 19th, The East Wing(C) Paris Youth Foundation
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Park Hotel
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Pauli.
Sat 20th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Pavo Pavo
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Perturbator
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Picture This
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Pierre Kwenders
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Pixey
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Pixx
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Pixx
Thu 18th, The Arch(C) Plaitum
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Pom Poko
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Pom Poko
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Pom Poko
Sat 20th, Bleach(C) Pom Poko
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Pom Poko
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Pom Poko
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Poor Nameless Boy
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Poor Nameless Boy
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Poor Nameless Boy
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Poor Nameless Boy
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Poppy Ajudha
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Port Cities
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Port Cities
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Port Cities
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Port Cities
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Pote
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Pote
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) Prince Vaseline
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Puma Blue
Sat 20th, Coalition(C) Pumarosa
Sat 20th, Brighton Dome's Concert Hall(C) Rag n Bone Man
Sat 20th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Raheem Bakare
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Rahh
Sat 20th, The Old Market(C) Raketkanon
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Rat Boy
Thu 18th, Brighton Dome's Concert Hall(C) Ray BLK
Thu 18th, The Old Market(C) Ray BLK
Sat 20th, Brighton Dome's Concert Hall(C) Ray BLK
Sat 20th, The Old Market(C) Ray BLK
Thu 18th, Coalition(C) Raye
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Raye
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Raye
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Raye
Thu 18th, The East Wing(C) RedFaces
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Rejjie Snow
Fri 19th, St Mary's Church(C) Rhys Lewis
Thu 18th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) River Matthews
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Robocobra Quartet
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Robocobra Quartet
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Ronya
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Rory Wynne
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Rosborough
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Rosborough
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Rosborough
Fri 19th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Rosie Carney
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) Royal Tusk
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Royal Tusk
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Royal Tusk
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Royal Tusk
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Ryan De La Cruz
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Sabella
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Sailor And I
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Sailor And I
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Sailor And I
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Saint PHNX
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Saint PHNX
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Saint PHNX
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Salen
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Salen
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Salen
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Salen
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Salute
Thu 18th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Sampa The Great
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Sara Sara
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Sarah Belkner
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Sarah Belkner
Fri 19th, Unitarian Church(C) Sarathy Korwar
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Sevana
Thu 18th, The Haunt(C) Shame
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) She-devils
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) She-devils
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Shells
Sat 20th, The Old Market(C) Shit Girlfriend
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Shitkid
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Shitkid
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) Shitkid
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Shitkid
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Shitkid
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Shitkid
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Shock Machine
Fri 19th, The Arch(C) Shock Machine
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Shock Machine
Sat 20th, The Arch(C) Shock Machine
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Shogun
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Shogun
Fri 19th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Shout Out Louds
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Shy Luv
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Shy Luv
Sat 20th, Coalition(C) Shy Luv
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Shy Luv
Thu 18th, Coalition(C) Sigrid
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Sigrid
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Sigrid
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Sigrid
Sat 20th, Coalition(C) Skott
Sat 20th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Slang
Thu 18th, Horatio's(C) Slotface
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Slotface
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Slotface
Fri 19th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Slotface
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) Smerz
Thu 18th, Brighton Pier(C) Soft Play (formally Slaves)
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) Soleima
Thu 18th, The Arch(C) Songe
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Sonia Stein
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Sonny
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Sons
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Sons
Thu 18th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) Sophie Hunger
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Sorry
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) SoShe
Fri 19th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Spilt Milk Society
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Spinning Coin
Fri 19th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Spinning Coin
Thu 18th, Green Door Store(C) St Phnx
Thu 18th, The Haunt(C) Starcrawler
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Steaming Satellites
Thu 18th, Prince Albert(C) Steaming Satellites
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Steaming Satellites
Sat 20th, Prince Albert(C) Steaming Satellites
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Stefflon Don
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Steve James
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Stevie Parker
Thu 18th, Z's New Road Unitarian Stage(C) Stompin Dave Allen
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Strandels
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Strong Asian Mothers
Thu 18th, Shooshh(C) Sturla Atlas
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) Sultan of the Disco
Thu 18th, Horatio's(C) Superfood
Thu 18th, The East Wing(C) Superfood
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) Superfood
Fri 19th, The East Wing(C) Superfood
Thu 18th, Coalition(C) Swimming Tapes
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Talos
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Tamir Grinberg
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Tash LC
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Teen Canteen
Fri 19th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Teen Canteen
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Teen Canteen
Sat 20th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Teen Canteen
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Teme Tan
Thu 18th, The Arch(C) Ten Fe
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Ten Tonnes
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Tender
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Tennyson
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Tennyson
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Tennyson
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) Tennyson
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) Tennyson
Sat 20th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Tennyson
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) The Age Of L.U.N.A
Thu 18th, The East Wing(C) The Amazons
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) The Avulsions
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) The Avulsions
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) The Bay Rays
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) The Blinders
day TBC, unknown stage(C) The Blinders
Thu 18th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) The Brass Funkeys
Thu 18th, Z's New Road Unitarian Stage(C) The Cash Cows
Fri 19th, The Haunt(C) The Charlatans
Sat 20th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) The Daniel Wakeford Experience
Fri 19th, The East Wing(C) The Districts
Fri 19th, One Church(C) The Fedz
Fri 19th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) The Fedz
Sat 20th, One Church(C) The Fedz
Sat 20th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) The Fedz
Fri 19th, Sallis Benny Theatre(C) The Gift
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) The Goon Sax
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) The Japanese House
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) The Japanese House
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) The Japanese House
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) The Japanese House
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) The Japanese House
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) The Japanese House
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) The Kolin
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) The Kolin
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) The LaFontaines
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) The LaFontaines
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) The Lightning Year
Fri 19th, Horatio's(C) The Magic Gang
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) The Magic Gang
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) The Magic Gang
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) The Magic Gang
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) The Masks
Sat 20th, Latest Music Bar(C) The Monotones
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) The Monotones
Thu 18th, The Haunt(C) The Moonlandingz
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) The Parrots
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) The Parrots
Sat 20th, Bleach(C) The Parrots
Sat 20th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) The Parrots
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) The Rhythm Method
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) The Rhythm Method
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) The Rhythm Method
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) The Rhythm Method
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) The Sandinistas
Fri 19th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) The Sandinistas
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) The Sundowners
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) The Turbans
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) The Van T's
Thu 18th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) The Van T's
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) The Wandering Hearts
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) The Wholls
Thu 18th, Komedia(C) The Wooden Sky
Thu 18th, Komedia Studio(C) The Wooden Sky
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) The Wooden Sky
Sat 20th, Komedia(C) The Wooden Sky
Sat 20th, Komedia Studio(C) The Wooden Sky
Fri 19th, St Mary's Church(C) This Is The Kit
Sat 20th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Thomas Azier
Sat 20th, The Old Market(C) Tigercub
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Tigertown
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Tired Lion
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Tired Lion
Fri 19th, Shooshh(C) Tizzy & Brandz
Fri 19th, Unitarian Church(C) Tom Adams
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Tom Grennan
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Tom Hickox
Sat 20th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Tomaga
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Trampolene
Fri 19th, Komedia(C) Tsar B
Fri 19th, Komedia Studio(C) Tsar B
Fri 19th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Tsar B
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Turla Atlas
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Tuys
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) TVAM
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) TVAM
Sat 20th, Sticky Mike's Frog Bar(C) Viølets
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Victoria
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Vince James
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Wallflower
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Wallwork b2b Tsvi
Sat 20th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Weirds
Thu 18th, One Church(C) Welshly Arms
Fri 19th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Westerman
Thu 18th, Queens Hotel(C) White Kite
Sat 20th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) White Room
Thu 18th, JackRocks at The Hope & Ruin(C) Wild Front
Sat 20th, Z's Jubilee Square Stage(C) Wildwood Kin
Sat 20th, The Arch(C) Will Heard
Thu 18th, Vevo at Wagner Hall (C) Will Joseph Cook
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) William Prince
Sat 20th, Unitarian Church(C) William Prince
Thu 18th, Paganini Ballroom(C) Willie J Healey
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Wrabel
Thu 18th, Z's Fender Paramount Stage(C) Wyvern Lingo
Fri 19th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Xamvolo
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Xamvolo
Fri 19th, Prince Albert(C) Xamvolo
Sat 20th, Horatio's(C) Yellow Days
Sat 20th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Yoke Lore
Thu 18th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Yonaka
Thu 18th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Yonaka
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Young T and Bugsey
Fri 19th, Green Door Store(C) Youngblood
Fri 19th, Queens Hotel(C) Youngblood
Sat 20th, Green Door Store(C) Youngblood
Sat 20th, Queens Hotel(C) Youngblood
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Youngr
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Yowl
Sat 20th, Patterns' Upstairs(C) Yungblud
Fri 19th, Shooshh(C) Yxng Bane
Thu 18th, Marine Room's Harbour Hotel(C) Zach Said
Fri 19th, Coalition(C) Zak Abel
Thu 18th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Zeal & Ardor
Thu 18th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Zeal & Ardor
Fri 19th, Brighthelm Centre(C) Zeal & Ardor
Fri 19th, Patterns' Downstairs(C) Zeal & Ardor
Thu 18th, Bleach(C) Zipper Club
Thu 18th, Latest Music Bar(C) Zipper Club
Fri 19th, Bleach(C) Zipper Club
Fri 19th, Latest Music Bar(C) Zipper Club

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