Wild Paths 2019 Line-up And Rumours

Wild Paths 2019

Friday 18th to Sunday 20th October 2019
various venues, Norwich, England
currently £65 for the 3-days
Daily capacity: 3,800
Last updated: Tue 25th Feb 2020

(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour

Fri 18th, Birdcage(SC) <i>TBA</i>
Fri 18th, The Wallow(SC) <i>TBA</i>
Fri 18th, Space Studios(SC) <i>TBA</i>
Sun 20th, The Wallow(SC) <i>TBA</i>
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) Abi Wade
Sun 20th, The Wallow(C) Alan Southgate
Sat 19th, Anteros Arts Foundation(C) Alex Kozobolis
Fri 18th, Birdcage(C) Alexander Carson
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Amber Burgoyne
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) American Blondes
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Amethysts
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Anchor Song
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) Anglesson
Fri 18th, Arts Centre(C) Anna Meredith
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Annabel Allum
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) Arlen
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) August And After
Sun 20th, Waterfront Studio(C) Avalanche Party
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) BABii
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) Badhead Hyland
Thu 17th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Bag of Cans
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Beach For Tiger
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) Beach Riot
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) Before Breakfast
Fri 18th, Karma Kafe(C) Bess Atwell
Fri 18th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Bessie Turner
Sat 19th, The Library(C) Beth Mcarthy
Sat 19th, Waterfront Main(C) Big Spring
Sat 19th, The Wallow(C) Big Spring (Acoustic)
Sun 20th, The Wallow(C) Billy Lubach
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Birds Of Hell
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) Bjorn Vale
Sat 19th, Waterfront Main(C) Black Honey
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) Blood Like Honey
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) Bug Teeth
Fri 18th, Karma Kafe(C) Callum Pitt
Sat 19th, Epic(C) Caswell
Sat 19th, Space Studios(C) Charlotte Lloyd-Butler
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) China Bowls
Sun 20th, The Wallow(C) China Bowls
Thu 17th, Arts Centre(C) Chloe Bodur
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) Chris James
Sun 20th, Open Club(C) COLL
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) County Line Runner
Sat 19th, Epic(C) Crazy P (DJ set)
Sat 19th, Epic(C) Cub Sport
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) Dan Bettridge
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Deeper
Sat 19th, Waterfront Main(C) Demob Happy
Fri 18th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Depression, Baby
Sun 20th, Open Club(C) Desta French
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Dharma Hum
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Diamond Thug
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) Djuno
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Dlore
Fri 18th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Droogs
Sun 20th, The Wallow(C) Eden Tikare
Fri 18th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Egyptian Blue
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) Elena Setien
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Eliza Shaddard
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) Elk
Fri 18th, Birdcage(C) Emily Parish
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) Emma McGrath
Fri 18th, Epic(C) Etta Bond
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Eyera
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) False Heads
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) Fanshore & Topic
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Fatherson
Fri 18th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) FES
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) Fight Milk
Sun 20th, The Library(C) Finn Doherty
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Floral Image
Sat 19th, Epic(C) Franc Moody
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Free Love
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) Freya Roy
Thu 17th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Front Bangs
Sat 19th, The Library(C) Gabby Rivers
Fri 18th, Karma Kafe(C) Gabriel Gifford
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) Gaffa Tape Sandy
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Galli
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Gengahr
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) George Bryce
Sat 19th, The Wallow(C) Georgia Benford-Brown
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) Ginny Dix
Fri 18th, Waterfront Studio(C) Gladboy
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) Goldblume
Sun 20th, The Library(C) Grace
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Graceland
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Gus Harvey
Sat 19th, Epic(C) Gus Harvey
Fri 18th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Hank
Thu 17th, Arts Centre(C) Harry Edwards
Fri 18th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Harvey Causon
Fri 18th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Heavy Lungs
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) Hex Friends
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) History and Lore
Sat 19th, The Wallow(C) Holly Lerski
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Hot Dreams
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) Hot Raisin
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Household Dogs
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Hugo Z
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) Hunger Moon
Sun 20th, The Wallow(C) Hunger Moon
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) Hydra Lerna
Sat 19th, Arts Centre(C) Icicle Works
Sat 19th, Space Studios(C) Jack Howard
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) Jade Murray
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) Jaztec (DJ)
Sun 20th, The Library(C) JBXM
Sun 20th, Open Banking Hall(C) Jerome Thomas
Sun 20th, Open Club(C) Jerome Thomas
Sat 19th, Anteros Arts Foundation(C) Jesse Barrett
Fri 18th, The Wallow(C) Joe Millett
Sat 19th, The Wallow(C) Joe Probert
Fri 18th, The Wallow(C) Jon Cocker
Sun 20th, Open Banking Hall(C) Jordan Mackampa
Sun 20th, The Wallow(C) Jordan Mackampa
Sun 20th, Open Banking Hall(C) Jose Gonzalez
Sun 20th, Open Club(C) Jungle Brown
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Juno Dream
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Kahlla
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Katie Malco
Sat 19th, The Wallow(C) Katie Malco
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) Kieran LH
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) Kulk
Sun 20th, Open Club(C) Kwaku Asante
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Laura Misch
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Lazy Day
Sat 19th, The Wallow(C) Lazy Day (Acoustic)
Sat 19th, The Library(C) Lebo
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Leif Erikson
Sun 20th, The Library(C) Leon O'Leary
Fri 18th, Karma Kafe(C) Liz Lawrence
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Los Hombres Buenos
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Lost Under Heaven
Sat 19th, Epic(C) Loyal
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) LOYAL (DJ)
Fri 18th, Arts Centre(C) Lyla Foy
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Marigolds
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) Marsden Park
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) Matt Hammond
Fri 18th, Epic(C) Maya Law
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Maya Law
Sat 19th, Space Studios(C) Mega Emotion
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Megan D
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) Miles
Sat 19th, The Library(C) Millie Gibson
Thu 17th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Millie Manders and The Shutup
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) Milly Hirst
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Misa
Sat 19th, The Wallow(C) Misa
Sun 20th, Open Club(C) Monster Florence
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Nature TV
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Nayana Iz
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Nebula Sun
Sat 19th, The Library(C) Oliver Rudge
Sat 19th, Epic(C) Olivia Nelson
Fri 18th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Orchards
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) Other Half
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Our Quiet Friends
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) Paula Wolfe
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) Peter Turrel
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Phobophobes
Sat 19th, Epic(C) Pillow Talk (live)
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) Pin Ups
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Pixx
Fri 18th, Arts Centre(C) Pom Poko
Sun 20th, Waterfront Studio(C) Pregoblin
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Ralph Tv
Fri 18th, Birdcage(C) Red Dear
Thu 17th, Arts Centre(C) Rosie Lowe
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Rubber Jaw
Sun 20th, Open Banking Hall(C) Ruby Rushton
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Sam Eagle
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Sarathy Korwar
Sat 19th, Anteros Arts Foundation(C) Sefo Kanuteh
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Sharky
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Sick Joy
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) Sick Joy (Acoustic)
Sun 20th, Open Banking Hall(C) Skinny Pelembe
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) Sleemo
Sat 19th, Birdcage(C) Soham De
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Some Bodies
Sun 20th, Gonzo's(C) Sophie Lloyd (DJ)
Fri 18th, Space Studios(C) Soul Stew (DJ set)
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) Soul Stew (DJ)
Sat 19th, Rumsey Wells(C) Space Is Big
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) SPINN
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Suds
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) Superglu
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) Swimsuit Competition
Sat 19th, The Library(C) Sylvia Daley
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) Tawiah
Sat 19th, Bowling House(C) The Blue Tits
Fri 18th, Bermuda Bobs(C) The Claque
Sun 20th, Waterfront Studio(C) The Cult Of Dom Keller
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) The Glitter shop
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) The Isle of CC
Sat 19th, Anteros Arts Foundation(C) The Last Dinosaur
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) The Magic Gang
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Theo
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) Theo - Solo Keys
Sun 20th, Last Pub Standing(C) Thomas & Vialli (DJ)
Sun 20th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Tibetan Night Terrors
Fri 18th, Waterfront Studio(C) Trudy and the Romance
Sun 20th, Bowling House(C) True Adventures
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) Tundra
Sat 19th, Bermuda Bobs(C) Tungz
Sun 20th, Birdcage(C) Tusks
Sat 19th, The Library(C) Vanity Fairy
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) VC Pines
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Virginia Wing
Sat 19th, Last Pub Standing(C) We'll Be Detectives
Fri 18th, Waterfront Studio(C) Weird Milk
Sat 19th, The Wallow(C) Will How
Fri 18th, Gonzo's(C) Will Saul (DJ set)
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Downstairs(C) Wolf Number
Sat 19th, Karma Kafe(C) WRECK
Sat 19th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Wu-Lu
Sun 20th, Shoe Factory Upstairs(C) Yadasofi
Sun 20th, Open Banking Hall(C) Yazmin Lacey
Fri 18th, Epic(C) [ K S R ]

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last updated: Tue 25th Feb 2020
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last updated: Thu 19th Sep 2019