second day at Ashton Court cancelled

By Scott Johnson | Published: Mon 16th Jul 2007

Saturday 14th to Sunday 15th July 2007
Ashton Court Estate, Bristol., England
£20 for both days in advance, £12 for either day in advance (more on gate)
Last updated: Thu 12th Jul 2007

After overcoming their financial difficulties earlier on this year, Bristol's Ashton Court festival met another problem; the weather.

The festival, which took place in the grounds of the Ashton Court Estate last weekend (Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th July) only lasted for one day. Despite glorious sunshine on Saturday, heavy rainfall throughout the night and into the morning meant that the organisers were forced to cancel the second day of the event.

The official website read "The organisers of the Ashton Court Festival have regrettably announced that due to the bad weather conditions over the last 12 hours, and the weather forecast for the rest of the day, the second day of the 33rd Ashton Court Festival has been cancelled."

Steve Hunt, organiser of the event said “The Health and Safety of our audience is what is important, and although this will be a huge disappointment to the many people who have worked hard to make this festival happen, I am sure we have their support in making ensuring the festival is safe for the public.”

Details on ticket refunds will be available next week.

It wasn't all bad news though. Shortly after the festival announced its cancellation it confirmed that many of the bands had been relocated to play at a number of venues across the city. The Louisiana, The Croft, The Thekla, The Cube and The Lansdown all played host to some of the acts scheduled to appear on the bill.

eFestivals will have reviews and photographs from the Saturday of the festival online very soon.

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second day at Ashton Court cancelled
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